Catherine Koss & Judy Tan were selected as Dean's Population Health and Health Equity Scholars

Catherine Koss and Judy Tan were selected to become Dean's Population Health and Health Equity Scholars

The pilot awards go to support innovative research or programming already underway and led by the scholars.  

The awards will go to support innovative research or programming already underway and led by the Scholars. The work in this year’s class focuses on a wide array of local, national, and global healthcare challenges and questions, including:

  • reducing sweet beverage consumption among low-income Latino children,
  • understanding primary care management of dementia and co-morbid conditions in underserved and underrepresented populations,
  • disparities in poor birth outcomes: undernutrition, race and poverty,
  • improving population oral health,
  • PrEP product and care delivery preferences to advance HIV prevention for young African women,
  • understanding barriers to postpartum retention in HIV care among women in Southwest Uganda,
  • place-level racial bias and birth outcomes,
  • digital health interventions for rural Native American veterans,
  • integrating biologic, psychosocial and neighborhood-level factors of adherence to antiretroviral therapy in gender minority adults, and
  • enhancing access for hypertension screening and treatment among African Americans in the Bay Area.


Read more about the scholars and their projects.