June Lee, MD
Dir. Early Translational Res
June Lee, MD, is a Professor in the School of Medicine at UCSF. She was the chief architect of the highly successful Clinical and Translational Science Institute's Catalyst Program which serves as an internal UCSF accelerator for therapeutics, devices, diagnostics, and digital health technologies. She also oversaw key strategic partnerships at UCSF to include industry collaborations. She also served as Chair of the Drug, Device, Discovery and Development (D4) workgroup of UC BRAID (University of California Biomedical Research Acceleration Integration and Development) and was previously the Vice-Chair of CTSA Translational Key Function Committee.
Prior to UCSF, she worked at Genentech where as the therapeutic area head, she led early clinical development programs in Infectious Diseases, Cardiovascular/Metabolic Diseases, and Respiratory Diseases. In that role, she was responsible for the clinical strategy and execution of programs in the early clinical development stages and successfully developed pre-clinical and late stage research projects in a variety of therapeutic areas through IND clearance and early stage clinical proof of concept studies.