Department of Medicine faculty members published more than 3,000 peer-reviewed articles in 2022.
Long-acting injectable (LAI) HIV antiretroviral therapy (ART) presents a major opportunity to facilitate and sustain HIV viral suppression, thus improving health and survival among people living with HIV and reducing the risk of onward transmission. However, realizing the public health potential of LAI ART requires reaching patients who face barriers to daily oral ART adherence and thus can clinically benefit from alternative treatment modalities. Ryan White HIV/AIDS Program Part A medical case management (MCM) programs provide an array of services to address barriers to HIV care and treatment among economically and socially marginalized people living with HIV. These programs have demonstrated effectiveness in improving engagement along the continuum of care, but findings of limited program impact on durable viral suppression highlight the need to further innovate and hone strategies to support long-term ART adherence.
This study aims to adapt and expand Ryan White MCM service strategies to integrate LAI ART regimen options, with the larger goal of improving health outcomes in the populations that could most benefit from alternatives to daily oral ART regimens.
In 3 phases of work involving patient and provider participants, this study uses role-specific focus groups to elicit perceptions of LAI versus daily oral ART; discrete choice experiment (DCE) surveys to quantify preferences for different ART delivery options and related supports; and a nonrandomized trial to assess the implementation and utility of newly developed tools at 6 partnering Ryan White HIV/AIDS Program Part A MCM programs based in urban, suburban, and semirural areas of New York. Findings from the focus groups and DCEs, as well as feedback from advisory board meetings, informed the design and selection of the tools: a patient-facing, 2-page fact sheet, including frequently asked questions and a side-by-side comparison of LAI with daily oral ART; a patient-facing informational video available on YouTube (Google Inc); and a patient-provider decision aid. Implementation outcomes, measured through provider interviews, surveys, and service reporting, will guide further specification of strategies to integrate LAI ART options into MCM program workflows.
The study was funded in late April 2021 and received approval from the institutional review board in May 2021 under protocol 20-096. Focus groups were conducted in late 2021 (n=21), DCEs ran from June 2022 to January 2023 (n=378), and tools for piloting were developed by May 2023. The trial (May 2023 through January 2024) has enrolled >200 patients.
This study is designed to provide evidence regarding the acceptability, feasibility, appropriateness, and utility of a package of patient-oriented tools for comparing and deciding between LAI ART and daily oral ART options. Study strengths include formative work to guide tool development, a mixed methods approach, and the testing of tools in real-world safety-net service settings.
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Advancements in long-acting (LA) HIV treatment and cure research with analytical treatment interruptions (ATIs) have generated important scientific and implementation questions. There is an urgent need to examine challenges navigating the evolving HIV treatment and cure research landscape. From August to October 2022, we conducted 26 semistructured interviews with biomedical researchers and community members representing a predominantly woman demographic to explore the complexity of navigating the rapidly evolving HIV therapeutic and HIV cure research landscape. We purposively sampled individuals recruited from the AIDS Clinical Trials Group and the Martin Delaney Collaboratories for HIV Cure Research. Audio files were transcribed verbatim and analyzed through a thematic approach, using an inductive and iterative process. Among 26 participants, 10 were biomedical researchers and 16 community members, including 11 were people with HIV. Three main themes emerged: (1) We are at a pivotal moment in the evolving landscape of HIV therapeutics and LA HIV treatment and HIV cure research should not be siloed but considered together; (2) There are challenges with engagement in HIV cure research and in switching between oral daily antiretroviral treatment and LA formulations and, mainly, the prolonged pharmacokinetic tail of these compounds matched with limited patient education about their impacts; and (3) There are unique opportunities as a result of this evolving therapeutic landscape, including the key role of decision support for people with HIV, centering around patient autonomy, and the need to learn from the lived experiences of people with HIV who choose LA treatment and/or participation in HIV cure research. Despite a bias toward the woman gender, our study identifies key considerations for navigating concurrent LA HIV treatment and HIV cure research with ATIs from both community members and biomedical researchers' perspectives. Achieving optimal HIV control remains a formidable challenge, necessitating robust interdisciplinary collaborations and engagement with key stakeholders.
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