Arthritis care & research
Authors: Chung SA, Kermani TA
Supportive care in cancer : official journal of the Multinational Association of Supportive Care in Cancer
Authors: Soto-Perez-de-Celis E, Ke Y, Tanay M, Dagsi M, Bergerot C, Dixit N, Eng L, Cardeña-Gutiérrez A, Jiang C, Velazquez AI, Islami F, Chan A
Breast cancer research : BCR
Authors: Rodón J, Demanse D, Rugo HS, Burris HA, Simó R, Farooki A, Wellons MF, André F, Hu H, Vuina D, Quadt C, Juric D
JAMA network open
Authors: Everson J, Hendrix N, Phillips RL, Adler-Milstein J, Bazemore A, Patel V
Medical education
Authors: Ajjawi R, Bearman M, Luong V, O'Brien BC, Varpio L
JAMA network open
Authors: Plantinga LC, Bender AA, Urbanski M, Douglas-Ajayi C, Morgan JC, Woo K, Jaar BG
Journal of hospital medicine
Authors: Judson TJ, Longhurst CA, Horman SF
Eating behaviors
Authors: Breland JY, Raikov I, Hoggatt KJ, Phibbs CS, Maguen S, Timko C, Saechao F, Frayne SM
The pharmacogenomics journal
Authors: Patel JN, Jiang C, Owzar K, Hertz DL, Wang J, Mulkey FA, Kelly WK, Halabi S, Furukawa Y, Lassiter C, Dorsey SG, Friedman PN, Small EJ, Carducci MA, Kelley MJ, Nakamura Y, Kubo M, Ratain MJ, Morris MJ, McLeod HL
JAMA internal medicine
Authors: Covinsky KE