Tuberculosis and respiratory diseases
Authors: Levine AR, Calfee CS
Journal of the American Geriatrics Society
Authors: Lee AK, Lee SJ, Dublin S
Breast cancer (Tokyo, Japan)
Authors: Vidula N, Yau C, Rugo HS
Journal of palliative medicine
Authors: Wilkie DJ, Fitchett G, Yao Y, Schoppee T, Delgado Guay MO, Hauser J, Kittelson S, O'Mahony S, Rabow M, Quest T, Solomon S, Handzo G, Chochinov HM, Emanuel LL
Cell reports
Authors: Li Z, Deeks SG, Ott M, Greene WC
The New England journal of medicine
Authors: Beagle AJ, Sunwoo BY, Olin RL, Schwartz BS, Block BL
Authors: Deardorff WJ, Lu K, Jing B, Jeon SY, Boscardin WJ, Fung KZ, Lee SJ
Advances in Medical Imaging, Detection, and Diagnosis
Authors: Qing Sun, Jonathan Li, Hui Ren, Larry Pastor, Yulia Loginova, Roberta Madej, Kristopher Taylor, Joseph K. Wong, Zhao Zhang, Aiguo Zhang, Chuanyi M. Lu, Michael Y. Sha
Authors: Kawamoto ST, Raza ZT, Diaz IP, Novaes J, Camacho K, Hargrave AS, Schwarz EB
Authors: Chanti-Ketterl M, Pieper CF, Yaffe K, Plassman BL