
Department of Medicine faculty members published more than 3,000 peer-reviewed articles in 2022.

Journal of clinical sleep medicine : JCSM : official publication of the American Academy of Sleep Medicine


Authors: Zak R, Zitser J, Jones HJ, Gilliss CL, Lee KA

Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America


Authors: Ackley SF, Zimmerman SC, Flatt JD, Riley AR, Sevelius J, Duchowny KA

Journal of general internal medicine


Authors: Chen A, Ayub MH, Mishuris RG, Rodriguez JA, Gwynn K, Lo MC, Noronha C, Henry TL, Jones D, Lee WW, Varma M, Cuevas E, Onumah C, Gupta R, Goodson J, Lu AD, Syed Q, Suen LW, Heiman E, Salhi BA, Khoong EC, Schmidt S

Journal of the American Geriatrics Society


Authors: Vaughan CP, Brown RT, Hastings SN, Makris UE, Forman DE

International journal of human-computer studies


Authors: Roscoe RD, Balyan R, McNamara DS, Banawan M, Schillinger D

Journal of pain and symptom management


Authors: Sudore RL, Walling AM, Gibbs L, Rahimi M, Wenger NS, UC Health Care Planning Study Team

Endocrine practice : official journal of the American College of Endocrinology and the American Association of Clinical Endocrinologists


Authors: Huang J, Yeung AM, Kerr D, Gentile S, Heinemann L, Al-Sofiani ME, Joseph JI, Seley JJ, Klonoff DC

Lancet (London, England)


Authors: Hakimi M, North JP, Taylor MA, Hailer A, Liu Y, Kim E, Morehead K, Shinkai K, Bhutani T, Cheng JB, Cho RJ

Nature communications


Authors: Georgakopoulos-Soares I, Deng C, Agarwal V, Chan CSY, Zhao J, Inoue F, Ahituv N

The American journal of the medical sciences


Authors: Chen JH, Dhaliwal G, Yang D