Department of Medicine faculty members published more than 3,000 peer-reviewed articles in 2022.
In a large randomized trial involving over 2,000 women with abnormal cervical cytology (pap smear), three clinic-based interventions were tested as strategies to increase return rates for screening follow-up: 1) a personalized follow-up letter and pamphlet; 2) a slide-tape program on pap smears; and 3) transportation incentives (bus passes/parking permits). The three interventions were evaluated using a 2 x 2 x 2 factorial design. Results of this study confirm a high rate of loss to screening follow-up (i.e., no return visits) among women with abnormal pap smears (29% overall), with substantial variability among the 12 participating clinics (13% to 42/%). For the sample as a whole, both transportation incentives and the combined intervention condition of personalized follow-up and slide-tape program had a significant positive impact on screening follow-up. However, transportation incentives emerged as the dominant intervention condition among patient subgroups that can be characterized as more disadvantaged socioeconomically and at higher risk of developing cervical cancer, including patients receiving care from the county health department (odds ratio (OR) = 1.51; P less than .05); patients without health insurance (OR = 1.77; P less than .01); and patients with more severe pap smear results (OR = 1.71; P less than .05). In contrast, among patient subgroups that can be characterized as relatively more advantaged and at lower risk of developing cervical cancer, only the combined intervention condition of personalized follow-up and slide-tape program was associated with a higher patient return rate. Subgroups reflecting this pattern included patients seen in noncounty clinics (OR = 4.54; P less than .05) and patients with less severe pap smear results (OR = 5.16; P less than .01). The implications of these findings are discussed in terms of designing clinic-based interventions to improve screening follow-up.
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Molecular cloning of the polypeptide component of the Rel-related human p75 nucleoprotein complex has revealed its identity with the 65-kDa (p65) subunit of NF-kappa B. Functional analyses of chimeric proteins composed of NF-kappa B p65 C-terminal sequences linked to the DNA-binding domain of the yeast GAL4 polypeptide have indicated that the final 101 amino acids of NF-kappa B p65 comprise a potent transcriptional activation domain. Transient transfection of human T cells with an expression vector encoding NF-kappa B p65, but not NF-kappa B p50, produced marked transcriptional activation of a basal promoter containing duplicated kappa B enhancer motifs from the long terminal repeat of type 1 human immunodeficiency virus. These stimulatory effects of NF-kappa B p65 were synergistically enhanced by coexpression of NF-kappa B p50 but were completely inhibited by coexpression of the v-rel oncogene product. Together, these functional studies demonstrate that NF-kappa B p65 is a transactivating subunit of the heterodimeric NF-kappa B complex and serves as one cellular target for v-Rel-mediated transcriptional repression.
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The Tax trans-activator protein of the type I human T-cell leukemia virus is expressed predominantly in the nuclei of cells. However, this viral trans-activator is distinguished from most other nuclear proteins by the absence of a short highly basic nuclear localization signal. Previous mutational analyses of the tax gene revealed that many of the missense mutations involving the amino terminus of Tax resulted in a predominantly cytoplasmic pattern of expression. We now report that the amino terminal 48 residues of Tax comprise a functional nuclear localization signal as demonstrated by the ability of this region to retarget expression of a large cytoplasmic protein to the nucleus.
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The mesangial cell MMPs and their inhibitor may represent proteins through which biological modifiers such as cytokines and growth factors can control and influence the organization of the glomerulus. At the present we can only speculate on their exact function in glomerular disease. They could conceivably play a role in glomerular conditions where mesangial hypercellularity and cytoplasmic interposition between the endothelium and the basement membrane are frequent occurrences, and in which cytokine-enhanced synthesis of matrix-degrading enzymes could result in severe structural damage. A number of glomerular diseases such as diabetic nephropathy are characterized by the accumulation of glomerular matrix proteins. This could be explained by the inappropriate expression of intrinsic mesangial cell MMPs or TIMP. Further investigation of these proteins in experimental models of glomerular disease or in situ hybridization studies using the available probes promises to be a rewarding area of research during the next few years. For these studies the availability of rTIMP and recent developments in the design of synthetic inhibitors of MMPs may allow more searching investigations into the role of MMP in the pathophysiology of glomerular disease.
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Cultured rat glomerular epithelial cells (GEC) were examined for their ability to release extracellular matrix-degrading proteinases with [3H]gelatin as substrate. GEC-conditioned media, under serum-free conditions, contained modest amounts of gelatinase activity (1 to 10 U/mg of protein); the activity was maximal at neutral pH, was inhibited by zinc chelators, was not inhibited by tissue inhibitor of metalloproteinase-2, and could not be further activated by trypsin or organomercurials. Gelatin substrate sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gels of GEC-conditioned medium revealed several zones of lysis, with molecular sizes of 150 kd (major band), and 220, 86 to 93, and 52 to 54 kd (minor bands). Northern blot analysis demonstrated that the GEC metalloproteinase(s) were distinct from the 68- to 72-kd type IV collagenase/gelatinase present in mesangial cells or the 92-kd type IV collagenase present in neutrophils. The GEC gelatinolytic activity also degraded insoluble type IV collagen in glomerular basement membrane in a dose-dependent manner. The major metalloproteinase activity responsible for the type IV collagen degradation has a molecular size of 150 kd with a type IV collagen substrate gel. Thus, GEC produce several neutral metalloproteinases, which, by virtue of their substrate specificity, may play an important role in glomerular basement membrane remodeling and in glomerular diseases characterized by alterations in basement membrane permeability.
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We retrospectively evaluated the effect of the Loma Prieta earthquake on calls to 2 designated regional poison control centers (San Francisco and Santa Clara) in the area. In the immediate 12 hours after the earthquake, there was an initial drop (31%) in call volume, related to telephone system overload and other technical problems. Calls from Bay Area counties outside of San Francisco and Santa Clara decreased more dramatically than those from within the host counties where the poison control centers are located. In the next 2 days, each poison control center then handled a 27% increase in call volume. Requests for information regarding safety of water supplies and other environmental concerns were significantly increased. The number of cases of actual poisoning exposure decreased, particularly poison and drug ingestions in children. Most calls directly related to the earthquake included spills and leaks of hazardous materials and questions about water and food safety. Regional poison control centers play an essential role in the emergency medical response to major disasters and are critically dependent on an operational telephone system.
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