Department of Medicine faculty members published more than 3,000 peer-reviewed articles in 2022.
Seroconversion for HIV antibody occurred in two homosexual men who reported no anal intercourse for greater than or equal to 5 years and multiple episodes of receptive oral intercourse with ejaculation. Neither man reported intravenous drug use or receipt of blood products. The last antibody-negative specimen was also negative by the polymerase chain reaction and p24 antigen assays. All sexually active persons should be clearly counselled that receptive oral intercourse with ejaculation carries a potential risk of HIV transmission.
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A sensitive DNA-protein crosslinking approach has been used to characterize four inducible T-cell proteins (50 kDa, 55 kDa, 75 kDa, and 85 kDa) that specifically bind to kappa B enhancer elements. Partial proteolytic mapping revealed a distinct cleavage pattern for three of these proteins. These polypeptides are sequestered as inactive precursors in the cytosol of unstimulated T cells but can be converted into active forms in vivo by phorbol ester stimulation or in vitro by detergent treatment. The induction of these proteins by phorbol ester results in a strikingly biphasic pattern of nuclear expression with the 55-kDa and 75-kDa species appearing within minutes, whereas the 50-kDa and 85-kDa species appear only several hours after cellular stimulation. These data suggest that NF-kappa B-binding activity may not correspond to a single polypeptide but rather a family of at least four inducible and differentially regulated DNA-binding proteins that are expressed with distinct kinetics in human T lymphocytes.
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Episodes of transient myocardial ischemia during ambulatory activities are common in patients with stable coronary artery disease and who are often asymptomatic. Selection of therapy for episodes of asymptomatic ischemia is limited by a lack of direct comparative studies. To determine the most effective monotherapy for patients with stable angina and a high frequency of asymptomatic ischemic episodes, propranolol-LA (mean daily dose, 293 mg), diltiazem-SR (mean daily dose, 350 mg), nifedipine (mean daily dose, 79 mg) were each compared with placebo, each for 2 weeks, in a randomized, double-blinded, crossover trial. Entry criteria were a positive exercise treadmill test during placebo therapy characterized by 1.0 mm or more ST segment depression and angina pectoris, and six or more episodes of transient ST segment depression of 1.0 mm or more on a 48-hour ambulatory electrocardiogram. One hundred ninety-four patients were screened, 63 were eligible and received randomized therapy, of which 56 patients completed at least two of the four treatment periods and were included in an intent-to-treat analysis. Fifty patients completed all four treatment phases and were included in the protocol-completed analysis. Anti-ischemia efficacy was assessed by 48-hour ambulatory electrocardiographic monitoring, exercise treadmill tests, and anginal diaries. Ninety-four percent of all episodes of ambulatory ischemia were asymptomatic. Compared with placebo, only propranolol was associated with a marked reduction in all manifestations of asymptomatic ischemia during ambulatory electrocardiographic monitoring (2.3 versus 1.0 episodes/24 hr; mean duration of ischemia per 24 hours, 43.6 versus 5.7 minutes; both p less than 0.0001). Diltiazem's reduction of the frequency of episodes compared with placebo (2.3 versus 1.9 episodes/24 hr) was associated with a trend (p = 0.08) in the protocol-completed analysis and with a significant reduction in the intent-to-treat analysis (p = 0.03). Nifedipine had no significant effect on any measured variable of ambulatory ischemia. The dosages of medication used may have been excessive for some patients, and a more beneficial effect may have been evident at a lower dose. In contrast to the marked effects of the active agents on ambulatory asymptomatic ischemia, the effects on exercise performance and angina pectoris were slight. The active agents modestly improved treadmill exercise duration time until 1 mm ST segment depression (3%), and only propranolol and diltiazem had significant effects. Only diltiazem significantly prolonged the total exercise time. Anginal frequency was significantly decreased by both propranolol and diltiazem.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 400 WORDS)
View on PubMed1990
OBJECTIVE--To characterise the natural history of sexually transmitted HIV-I infection in homosexual and bisexual men. DESIGN--Cohort study. SETTING--San Francisco municipal sexually transmitted disease clinic. PATIENTS--Cohort included 6705 homosexual and bisexual men originally recruited from 1978 to 1980 for studies of sexually transmitted hepatitis B. This analysis is of 489 cohort members who were either HIV-I seropositive on entry into the cohort (n = 312) or seroconverted during the study period and had less than or equal to 24 months between the dates of their last seronegative and first seropositive specimens (n = 177). A subset of 442 of these men was examined in 1988 or 1989 or had been reported to have developed AIDS. MAIN OUTCOME MEASURES--Development of clinical signs and symptoms of HIV-I infection, including AIDS, AIDS related complex, asymptomatic generalised lymphadenopathy, and no signs or symptoms of infection. MEASUREMENTS AND MAIN RESULTS--Of the 422 men examined in 1988 or 1989 or reported as having AIDS, 341 had been infected from 1977 to 1980; 49% (167) of these men had died of AIDS, 10% (34) were alive with AIDS, 19% (65) had AIDS related complex, 3% (10) had asymptomatic generalised lymphadenopathy, and 19% (34) had no clinical signs or symptoms of HIV-I infection. Cumulative risk of AIDS by duration of HIV-I infection was analysed for all 489 men by the Kaplan-Meier method. Of these 489 men, 226 (46%) had been diagnosed as having AIDS. We estimated that 13% of cohort members will have developed AIDS within five years of seroconversion, 51% within 10 years, and 54% within 11.1 years. CONCLUSION--Our analysis confirming the importance of duration of infection to clinical state and the high risk of AIDS after infection underscores the importance of continuing efforts both to prevent transmission of HIV-I and to develop further treatments to slow or stall the progression of HIV-I infection to AIDS.
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