Transplantation proceedings
Authors: Feduska NJ, Perkins HA, Melzer J, Amend WJ, Vincenti F, Tomlanovich S, Garovoy M, Salvatierra O
Transplantation proceedings
Authors: Melzer JS, Husing RM, Feduska NJ, Tomlanovich SJ, Vincenti F, Amend WJ, Garovoy M, Salvatierra O
Transplantation proceedings
Authors: Salvatierra O, Melzer J, Vincenti F, Amend WJ, Tomlanovich S, Potter D, Husing R, Garovoy M, Feduska NJ
Kidney international
Authors: Ausiello DA, Skorecki KL, Verkman AS, Bonventre JV
The Journal of clinical investigation
Authors: Weisberg LJ, Shiu DT, Greenberg CS, Kan YW, Shuman MA
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America
Authors: Handagama PJ, George JN, Shuman MA, McEver RP, Bainton DF
Hypertension (Dallas, Tex. : 1979)
Authors: Schiller NB
Authors: Klein RF, Strewler GJ, Leung SC, Nissenson RA
The Journal of clinical investigation
Authors: Berthiaume Y, Staub NC, Matthay MA
The American review of respiratory disease
Authors: Murray JF, Garay SM, Hopewell PC, Mills J, Snider GL, Stover DE