The American journal of physiology
Authors: Ives HE, Verkman AS
Journal of the American College of Cardiology
Authors: Scheinman MM
The Journal of clinical investigation
Authors: Calvo MS, Fryer MJ, Laakso KJ, Nissenson RA, Price PA, Murray TM, Heath H
The American review of respiratory disease
Authors: Wiener-Kronish JP, Matthay MA, Callen PW, Filly RA, Gamsu G, Staub NC
The Anatomical record
Authors: Becker AB, Chung KF, McDonald DM, Lazarus SC, Frick OL, Gold WM
The Physiologist
Authors: Bikle DD, Halloran BP, Cone CM, Morey-Holton E
The Journal of clinical investigation
Authors: Bikle DD, Munson S
Authors: Morgan R, Hecht F, Cleary ML, Sklar J, Link MP
The Physiologist
Authors: Halloran BP, Bikle DD, Wronski TJ, Globus RK, Levens MJ, Morey-Holton E
The Journal of infectious diseases
Authors: Locksley RM, Flournoy N, Sullivan KM, Meyers JD