
Department of Medicine faculty members published more than 3,000 peer-reviewed articles in 2022.

Cancer causes & control : CCC


Authors: McClellan SP, Khan T, Rafferty H, Wong J, La S, Patel S, Somsouk M

Journal of Clinical Oncology


Authors: Daniel H Kwon, Marissa McPhaul, Saffanat Sumra, Carling Jade Ursem, Evan Justin Walker, Maren Theresa Scheuner, Sunny Wang, Rahul Raj Aggarwal, Franklin W. Huang, Jeffrey Belkora

The journals of gerontology. Series A, Biological sciences and medical sciences


Authors: Bauer SR, Langston ME, Ferrucci L, Simonsick EM

Health affairs (Project Hope)


Authors: Kumar A, Redberg RF, Dhruva SS, Ross JS

Journal of Clinical Oncology


Authors: Zoe Quandt, Christian Thorball, Pooja Middha, Douglas Buckner Johnson, Cosmin A Bejan, Lydia Yao, Yaomin Xu, Flavia Hodel, Athina Stravodimou, Esther Shearer-Kang, Geoffrey Liu, Melinda C Aldrich, Adam Jacob Schoenfeld, Elad Ziv, Elizabeth J Phillips, Jacques Fellay, Ewa A Bergmann, G Scott Chandler, Justin M Balko, Ashis Saha

Journal of Clinical Oncology


Authors: Kirkpatrick B Fergus, Pooja Middha, Zoe Quandt, Yiwey Shieh, Amrita B Basu, Rosalyn Sayaman, Paula R Pohlmann, Douglas Yee, Rebecca Arielle Shatsky, Claudine Isaacs, Michael J. Campbell, Gillian L. Hirst, Lamorna Brown Swigart, Laura van 't Veer, Elad Ziv, Laura Esserman

Journal of Clinical Oncology


Authors: Samantha Catherine Fisch, Elene Tsopurashvili, Sai Sahitha Somepalle, Mia Salans, Harish Vasudevan, Amy Jo Chien, Melanie Majure, Hope S. Rugo, Ronald Balassanian, Lauren Boreta, Michelle E. Melisko, Laura Ann Huppert

Journal of the American College of Radiology : JACR


Authors: Expert Panel on Thoracic Imaging, Morris MF, Henry TS, Raptis CA, Amin AN, Auffermann WF, Hatten BW, Kelly AM, Lai AR, Martin MD, Sandler KL, Sirajuddin A, Surasi DS, Chung JH

Journal of Clinical Oncology


Authors: Constance Wu, Janice Y. Tsoh, Rena Pasick, Claudia Guerra, Karla Kerlikowske, Niharika Dixit