
Department of Medicine faculty members published more than 3,000 peer-reviewed articles in 2022.

Journal of hospital medicine


Authors: Rambachan A, Joshi M, Auerbach AD, Fang MC

PLOS digital health


Authors: Kim JY, Hasan A, Kellogg KC, Ratliff W, Murray SG, Suresh H, Valladares A, Shaw K, Tobey D, Vidal DE, Lifson MA, Patel M, Raji ID, Gao M, Knechtle W, Tang L, Balu S, Sendak MP

International journal of environmental research and public health


Authors: Campbell CK, Kielhold K, Reynolds HE, Vincent W, Siconolfi DE, Ramos SD, Ogunbajo A, Kegeles SM, Storholm ED

Journal of hepatology


Authors: Reig M, Forner A, Rimola J, Ferrer-Fàbrega J, Burrel M, Garcia-Criado Á, Kelley RK, Galle PR, Mazzaferro V, Salem R, Sangro B, Singal AG, Vogel A, Fuster J, Ayuso C, Bruix J

Science translational medicine


Authors: Doxzen KW, Adair JE, Fonseca Bazzo YM, Bukini D, Cornetta K, Dalal V, Guerino-Cunha RL, Hongeng S, Jotwani G, Kityo-Mutuluuza C, Lakshmanan K, Mahlangu J, Makani J, Mathews V, Ozelo MC, Rangarajan S, Scholefield J, Batista Silva Júnior J, McCune JM

BMC health services research


Authors: Dizon MP, Chow A, Ong MK, Phibbs CS, Vanneman ME, Zhang Y, Yoon J

International journal of radiation oncology, biology, physics


Authors: Alexander J, Beatty A

Frontiers in immunology


Authors: Kumar R, Kumar S, Mickael C, Fonseca Balladares D, Nolan K, Lee MH, Sanders L, Nilsson J, Molofsky AB, Tuder RM, Stenmark KR, Graham BB