Andrew Lai, MD, MPH
HS Clinical Professor
Andy Lai is a Professor in the UCSF Division of Hospital Medicine, which he joined in 2009. He provides direct patient care on the medical wards at the Parnassus and Mount Zion campuses and on the Hospitalist Procedure Service, as well as supervises resident physicians and medical students. He has previously worked on the Bone Marrow Transplant and Neurosurgery Co-Management services, as well as was one of the inaugural hospitalists to work at St. Mary's Medical Center (as part of the St. Mary's-UCSF Joint Clinical programs established in 2018).
For ten years, Andy previously directed the Hospitalist Procedure Service, Division's Case Review Committee, and procedures/quality improvement rotation for internal medicine interns. He also previously directed the "Use of Ultrasound and Enhancing Confidence in Performing Bedside Procedures" session at the annual UCSF Hospitalist Mini-College CME course, as well as co-directed the Quality Improvement/Patient Safety elective for 4th year medical students for many years.
He is a member of the Division's Quality Improvement Committee and Unit-Based Leadership Team, as well as participates in many task forces. He was part of the 2018-19 Caring Wisely-awarded project team to improve IV albumin stewardship at UCSF. He frequently interviews faculty/fellowship candidates and has been a RAD (Resident Advising and Development) advisor for numerous internal medicine residents.
During medical school, Andy provided clinical care and worked on HIV-related projects in Madras, India and Eldoret, Kenya. He has provided volunteer clinical care in Port-au-Prince with Project Medishare for Haiti, as well as was part of the UCSF team of physicians and nurses who volunteered to assist colleagues at New York-Presbyterian hospitals in April/May 2020 during the peak of the COVID-19 pandemic.