Arielle Klepper, MD, PhD

Clinical Fellow

  1. Irina Adao, Arielle Klepper, Michele Tana. AIH Therapy: Beyond First-Line. Current hepatology reports 2024. PMID:

  2. Klepper A, Kung A, Vazquez SE, Mitchell A, Mann S, Zorn K, Avila-Vargas I, Kari S, Tekeste M, Castro J, Lee B, Duarte M, Khalili M, Yang M, Wolters P, Price J, Perito E, Feng S, Maher JJ, Lai J, Weiler-Normann C, Lohse AW, DeRisi J, Tana M. Novel autoantibody targets identified in patients with autoimmune hepatitis (AIH) by PhIP-Seq reveals pathogenic insights. medRxiv : the preprint server for health sciences 2023. PMID: 37398174

  3. Adam Blaisdell, Laurel Hochstetler, Arielle Klepper, Colin J. Feuille, Bing Zhang, Chelsea Q. Xu, Amy Yu, Amie Blanco, Jonathan P. Terdiman, Aparajita Singh. EP1004: INCREASING REFERRALS TO GENETIC COUNSELING IN PATIENTS AT ELEVATED RISK FOR LYNCH SYNDROME. Gastroenterology 2022. PMID:

  4. Tana MM, Klepper A, Lyden A, Pisco AO, Phelps M, McGee B, Green K, Feng S, DeRisi J, Crawford ED, Lammert CS. Transcriptomic profiling of blood from autoimmune hepatitis patients reveals potential mechanisms with implications for management. 2022. PMID: 35312680

  5. Adam Blaisdell, Laurel Hochstetler, Arielle Klepper, Colin Feuille, Bing Zhang, Amie Blanco, Jonathan Terdiman, Aparajita Singh. S305 Improving Identification of Patients Meeting Lynch Syndrome Testing Criteria in Endoscopy. The American journal of gastroenterology 2021. PMID:

  6. Doyle EH, Aloman C, El-Shamy A, Eng F, Rahman A, Klepper AL, Haydel B, Florman SS, Fiel MI, Schiano T, Branch AD. A subset of liver resident natural killer cells is expanded in hepatitis C-infected patients with better liver function. Volume 11 of Issue 1. Scientific Reports 2021. PMID: 33452360

  7. Doyle EH, Rahman A, Aloman C, Klepper AL, El-Shamy A, Eng F, Rocha C, Kim S, Haydel B, Florman SS, Fiel MI, Schiano T, Branch AD. Individual liver plasmacytoid dendritic cells are capable of producing IFNα and multiple additional cytokines during chronic HCV infection. Volume 15 of Issue 7. PLoS pathogens 2019. PMID: 31356648

  8. Eng FJ, El-Shamy A, Doyle EH, Klepper A, Muerhoff AS, Branch AD. Newly discovered hepatitis C virus minicores circulate in human blood. Volume 2 of Issue 1. Hepatology communications 2017. PMID: 29404509

  9. Klepper A, Eng FJ, Doyle EH, El-Shamy A, Rahman AH, Fiel MI, Avino GC, Lee M, Ye F, Roayaie S, Bansal MB, MacDonald MR, Schiano TD, Branch AD. Hepatitis C virus double-stranded RNA is the predominant form in human liver and in interferon-treated cells. Volume 66 of Issue 2. Hepatology (Baltimore, Md.) 2016. PMID: 27642141

  10. El-Shamy A, Eng FJ, Doyle EH, Klepper AL, Sun X, Sangiovanni A, Iavarone M, Colombo M, Schwartz RE, Hoshida Y, Branch AD. A cell culture system for distinguishing hepatitis C viruses with and without liver cancer-related mutations in the viral core gene. Volume 63 of Issue 6. Journal of hepatology 2015. PMID: 26220749

  11. Klepper A, Branch AD. Macrophages and the Viral Dissemination Super Highway. Volume 2 of Issue 3. EC microbiology 2015. PMID: 26949751

  12. Ge X, Antoine DJ, Lu Y, Arriazu E, Leung TM, Klepper AL, Branch AD, Fiel MI, Nieto N. High mobility group box-1 (HMGB1) participates in the pathogenesis of alcoholic liver disease (ALD). Volume 289 of Issue 33. The Journal of biological chemistry 2014. PMID: 24928512

  13. Klepper A, Pendleton M. Building failure into successful team science: highlights of the second SINAInnovations event. Volume 7 of Issue 3. Disease models & mechanisms 2014. PMID: 24609031

  14. Arielle L. Klepper, Francis J. Eng, James D. Dieterich, Jose Walewski, Julio A. Gutierrez, Myron E. Schwartz, Daniel S. Fierer, Thomas Schiano, Andrea D. Branch. Sa1965 Hepatitis C Virus (HCV) Double-Stranded RNA is Abundant and May Be an Important Viral Reservoir in Persistence and Relapse. Gastroenterology 2012. PMID:

  15. Gutierrez JA, Klepper AL, Garber J, Walewski JL, Bateman K, Khaitova V, Syder A, Tscherne DM, Gauthier A, Jefferson D, Rice CM, Schiano TD, Branch AD. Cross-genotypic polyclonal anti-HCV antibodies from human ascitic fluid. Volume 171 of Issue 1. Journal of virological methods 2010. PMID: 21034775

  16. Chang TL, Klepper A, Ding J, Garber J, Rapista A, Mosoian A, Hubner W, Gutierrez J, Walewski J, Abergel J, Schiano T, Branch A. Human peritoneal macrophages from ascitic fluid can be infected by a broad range of HIV-1 isolates. Volume 53 of Issue 3. Journal of acquired immune deficiency syndromes (1999) 2010. PMID: 20065862

  17. Eng FJ, Walewski JL, Klepper AL, Fishman SL, Desai SM, McMullan LK, Evans MJ, Rice CM, Branch AD. Internal initiation stimulates production of p8 minicore, a member of a newly discovered family of hepatitis C virus core protein isoforms. Volume 83 of Issue 7. Journal of virology 2009. PMID: 19129450

  18. Fierer DS, Uriel AJ, Carriero DC, Klepper A, Dieterich DT, Mullen MP, Thung SN, Fiel MI, Branch AD. Liver fibrosis during an outbreak of acute hepatitis C virus infection in HIV-infected men: a prospective cohort study. Volume 198 of Issue 5. The Journal of infectious diseases 2008. PMID: 18627270

  19. Fukata M, Chen A, Klepper A, Krishnareddy S, Vamadevan AS, Thomas LS, Xu R, Inoue H, Arditi M, Dannenberg AJ, Abreu MT. Cox-2 is regulated by Toll-like receptor-4 (TLR4) signaling: Role in proliferation and apoptosis in the intestine. Volume 131 of Issue 3. Gastroenterology 2006. PMID: 16952555