Barbara Haller, MD, PhD


  1. Whitman JD, Pham P, Bern C, Dekker EM, Haller BL, Jain V, Winston LG. Significant and sustained decrease in non-SARS-CoV-2 respiratory viral infections during COVID-19 public health interventions. medRxiv : the preprint server for health sciences 2021. PMID: 34013283

  2. Hao S, Veuthey T, Caldera S, Serpa PH, Haller B, Tan M, Neff N, Madera S, Langelier C. Draft Genome Sequence of an Extensively Drug-Resistant Salmonella enterica Serovar Typhi Strain from a Returned Traveler from Pakistan. Microbiology resource announcements 2020. PMID: 32732230

  3. Wilson MR, Sample HA, Zorn KC, Arevalo S, Yu G, Neuhaus J, Federman S, Stryke D, Briggs B, Langelier C, Berger A, Douglas V, Josephson SA, Chow FC, Fulton BD, DeRisi JL, Gelfand JM, Naccache SN, Bender J, Dien Bard J, Murkey J, Carlson M, Vespa PM, Vijayan T, Allyn PR, Campeau S, Humphries RM, Klausner JD, Ganzon CD, Memar F, Ocampo NA, Zimmermann LL, Cohen SH, Polage CR, DeBiasi RL, Haller B, Dallas R, Maron G, Hayden R, Messacar K, Dominguez SR, Miller S, Chiu CY. Clinical Metagenomic Sequencing for Diagnosis of Meningitis and Encephalitis. The New England journal of medicine 2019. PMID: 31189036

  4. Chaisson LH, Duong D, Cattamanchi A, Roemer M, Handley MA, Schillinger D, Sur M, Pham P, Lin MA, Goldman LE, Quan J, Perez S, Healy M, Higashi J, Winston L, Haller B, Luetkemeyer AF, Davis JL. Association of Rapid Molecular Testing With Duration of Respiratory Isolation for Patients With Possible Tuberculosis in a US Hospital. JAMA internal medicine 2018. PMID: 30178007

  5. Marson KG, Marlin R, Pham P, Cohen SE, Jones D, Roemer M, Peters PJ, Haller B, Pilcher CD. Real-world performance of the new US HIV testing algorithm in medical settings. Volume 91. Journal of clinical virology : the official publication of the Pan American Society for Clinical Virology 2017. PMID: 28434809

  6. Isaacson D, Haller B, Leslie H, Roemer M, Winston L. Novel handwashes are superior to soap and water in removal of Clostridium difficile spores from the hands. Volume 43 of Issue 5. American journal of infection control 2015. PMID: 25952050

  7. Chaisson LH, Roemer M, Cantu D, Haller B, Millman AJ, Cattamanchi A, Davis JL. Impact of GeneXpert MTB/RIF assay on triage of respiratory isolation rooms for inpatients with presumed tuberculosis: a hypothetical trial. Volume 59 of Issue 10. Clinical infectious diseases : an official publication of the Infectious Diseases Society of America 2014. PMID: 25091300

  8. Andama AO, den Boon S, Meya D, Cattamanchi A, Worodria W, Davis JL, Walter ND, Yoo SD, Kalema N, Haller B, Huang L. Prevalence and outcomes of cryptococcal antigenemia in HIV-seropositive patients hospitalized for suspected tuberculosis in Uganda. Volume 63 of Issue 2. Journal of acquired immune deficiency syndromes (1999) 2013. PMID: 23542636

  9. Tyler KL, Johnson EC, Cantu DS, Haller BL. A 20-year-old woman with headache and transient numbness. Volume 3 of Issue 2. The Neurohospitalist 2013. PMID: 23983894

  10. Christopoulos KA, Zetola NM, Klausner JD, Haller B, Louie B, Hare CB, Pandori M, Nassos P, Roemer M, Pilcher CD. Leveraging a rapid, round-the-clock HIV testing system to screen for acute HIV infection in a large urban public medical center. Volume 62 of Issue 2. Journal of acquired immune deficiency syndromes (1999) 2013. PMID: 23117503

  11. Christopoulos KA, Kaplan B, Dowdy D, Haller B, Nassos P, Roemer M, Dowling T, Jones D, Hare CB. Testing and linkage to care outcomes for a clinician-initiated rapid HIV testing program in an urban emergency department. Volume 25 of Issue 7. AIDS patient care and STDs 2011. PMID: 21545296

  12. Lee GT, Chiu CY, Haller BL, Denn PM, Hall CS, Gerberding JL. Streptococcus suis meningitis, United States. Volume 14 of Issue 1. Emerging infectious diseases 2008. PMID: 18258107

  13. Rahangdale L, Sarnquist C, Feakins C, Nassos P, Haller B, Cohan D. Rapid HIV testing on labor and delivery: lessons from the field. Volume 46 of Issue 3. Journal of acquired immune deficiency syndromes (1999) 2007. PMID: 18090304

  14. Haller BL. Resident training in microbiology. Volume 27 of Issue 2. Clinics in laboratory medicine 2007. PMID: 17556090

  15. Zetola NM, Klausner JD, Haller B, Nassos P, Katz MH. Association between rates of HIV testing and elimination of written consents in San Francisco. Volume 297 of Issue 10. JAMA 2007. PMID: 17356026

  16. Graber CJ, Wong MK, Carleton HA, Perdreau-Remington F, Haller BL, Chambers HF. Intermediate vancomycin susceptibility in a community-associated MRSA clone. Volume 13 of Issue 3. Emerging infectious diseases 2007. PMID: 17552110

  17. Winston LG, Roemer M, Goodman C, Haller B. False-positive culture results from patient tissue specimens due to contamination of RPMI medium with Cryptococcus albidus. Volume 45 of Issue 5. Journal of clinical microbiology 2007. PMID: 17314221

  18. Elbeik T, Nassos P, Kipnis P, Haller B, Ng VL. Evaluation of the VACUTAINER PPT Plasma Preparation Tube for use with the Bayer VERSANT assay for quantification of human immunodeficiency virus type 1 RNA. Volume 43 of Issue 8. Journal of clinical microbiology 2005. PMID: 16081908

  19. Ohm-Smith MJ, Nassos PS, Haller BL. Evaluation of the Binax NOW, BD Directigen, and BD Directigen EZ assays for detection of respiratory syncytial virus. Volume 42 of Issue 7. Journal of clinical microbiology 2004. PMID: 15243050

  20. Elbeik T, Markowitz N, Nassos P, Kumar U, Beringer S, Haller B, Ng V. Simultaneous runs of the Bayer VERSANT HIV-1 version 3.0 and HCV bDNA version 3.0 quantitative assays on the system 340 platform provide reliable quantitation and improved work flow. Volume 42 of Issue 7. Journal of clinical microbiology 2004. PMID: 15243070

  21. Winston LG, Pang S, Haller BL, Wong M, Chambers HF, Perdreau-Remington F. API 20 strep identification system may incorrectly speciate enterococci with low level resistance to vancomycin. Volume 48 of Issue 4. Diagnostic microbiology and infectious disease 2004. PMID: 15062923

  22. Pan ES, Diep BA, Carleton HA, Charlebois ED, Sensabaugh GF, Haller BL, Perdreau-Remington F. Increasing prevalence of methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus infection in California jails. Volume 37 of Issue 10. Clinical infectious diseases : an official publication of the Infectious Diseases Society of America 2003. PMID: 14583874

  23. Visosky AM, Murr AH, Ng V, Dentoni T, Weir L, Haller BL. Multiple-use atomizers in outpatient otolaryngology clinics are not necessarily an infectious risk. Volume 128 of Issue 4. Otolaryngology--head and neck surgery : official journal of American Academy of Otolaryngology-Head and Neck Surgery 2003. PMID: 12707644