Elizabeth Imbert, MD, MPH

Assoc Professor Clinical Med

Dr. Elizabeth Imbert is an Associate Professor in the Division of HIV, Infectious Diseases and Global Medicine at Zuckerberg San Francisco General Hospital. Dr. Imbert is the Clinical Lead for the POP-UP program at Ward 86, which provides low-barrier, high-intensity care for people living with HIV who experience homelessness and unstable housing.

Residency, 2015 - Internal Medicine, University of California, San Francisco
M.D., 2012 - , Albert Einstein College of Medicine
M.P.H., 2012 - , Columbia University Mailman School of Public Health
B.A., 2006 - , Georgetown University
  1. Hickey MD, Grochowski J, Mayorga-Munoz F, Oskarsson J, Imbert E, Spinelli M, Szumowski JD, Appa A, Koester K, Dauria EF, McNulty M, Colasanti J, Havlir DV, Gandhi M, Christopoulos KA. Identifying Implementation Determinants and Strategies for Long-Acting Injectable Cabotegravir-Rilpivirine in People with HIV Who Are Virally Unsuppressed. Journal of acquired immune deficiency syndromes (1999) 2024. PMID: 38534179

  2. Bien MB, Whitton A, Meehan A, Thornhill L, Ellis K, Leopold J, Borne D, Vickery KD, Imbert E, Twohey-Jacobs L, Perez KA, Mosites E. Strengthening Public Health Capacity to Address Infectious Diseases: Lessons From 3 Centers of Excellence in Public Health and Homelessness. Journal of public health management and practice : JPHMP 2023. PMID: 37738595

  3. Gandhi M, Hickey M, Imbert E, Grochowski J, Mayorga-Munoz F, Szumowski JD, Oskarsson J, Shiels M, Sauceda J, Salazar J, Dilworth S, Nguyen JQ, Glidden DV, Havlir DV, Christopoulos KA. Demonstration Project of Long-Acting Antiretroviral Therapy in a Diverse Population of People With HIV. Annals of internal medicine 2023. PMID: 37399555

  4. Johnson KA, Okochi H, Arreguin M, Watabe J, Glidden DV, Chattopadhyay A, Imbert E, Hickey MD, Gandhi M, Spinelli M. Brief Report: Urine Tenofovir Levels Strongly Correlate with Virologic Suppression in Patients with HIV on Tenofovir Alafenamide-Based Antiretroviral Therapy. Clinical infectious diseases : an official publication of the Infectious Diseases Society of America 2022. PMID: 36253952

  5. Christopoulos KA, Grochowski J, Mayorga-Munoz F, Hickey MD, Imbert E, Szumowski JD, Dilworth S, Oskarsson J, Shiels M, Havlir D, Gandhi M. First Demonstration Project of Long-Acting Injectable Antiretroviral Therapy for Persons With and Without Detectable HIV Viremia in an Urban HIV Clinic. Clinical infectious diseases : an official publication of the Infectious Diseases Society of America 2022. PMID: 35913500

  6. Hickey MD, Imbert E, Appa A, Del Rosario JB, Lynch E, Friend J, Avila R, Clemenzi-Allen A, Riley ED, Gandhi M, Havlir DV. HIV treatment outcomes in POP-UP: drop-in HIV primary care model for people experiencing homelessness. The Journal of infectious diseases 2022. PMID: 35759251

  7. Spinelli MA, Le Tourneau N, Glidden DV, Hsu L, Hickey MD, Imbert E, Arreguin M, Jain JP, Oskarsson JJ, Buchbinder SP, Johnson MO, Havlir D, Christopoulos KA, Gandhi M. Impact of Multi-Component Support Strategies on HIV Virologic Suppression Rates during COVID-19: An Interrupted Time Series Analysis. 2022. PMID: 35245934

  8. Imbert E, Hickey MD, Del Rosario JB, Conte M, Kerkoff AD, Clemenzi-Allen A, Riley ED, Havlir DV, Gandhi M. Heterogeneous preferences for care engagement among people with HIV experiencing homelessness or unstable housing during the COVID-19 pandemic. 2022. PMID: 35262529

  9. Aranda-Díaz A, Imbert E, Strieff S, Graham-Squire D, Evans JL, Moore J, McFarland W, Fuchs J, Handley MA, Kushel M. Implementation of rapid and frequent SARS-CoV2 antigen testing and response in congregate homeless shelters. 2022. PMID: 35271622

  10. Knight KR, Duke MR, Carey CA, Pruss G, Garcia CM, Lightfoot M, Imbert E, Kushel M. COVID-19 Testing and Vaccine Acceptability Among Homeless-Experienced Adults: Qualitative Data from Two Samples. 2021. PMID: 34704204

  11. Riley ED, Raven MC, Dilworth SE, Braun C, Imbert E, Doran KM. Using a "Big Events" framework to understand emergency department use among women experiencing homelessness or housing instability in San Francisco during the COVID-19 pandemic. The International journal on drug policy 2021. PMID: 34403865

  12. Imbert E, Kinley PM, Scarborough A, Cawley C, Sankaran M, Cox SN, Kushel M, Stoltey J, Cohen S, Fuchs JD. Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) Outbreak in a San Francisco Homeless Shelter. Clinical infectious diseases : an official publication of the Infectious Diseases Society of America 2020. PMID: 32744615

  13. Imbert E, Hickey MD, Clemenzi-Allen A, Lynch E, Friend J, Kelley J, Conte M, Das D, Rosario JBD, Collins E, Oskarsson J, Hicks ML, Riley ED, Havlir DV, Gandhi M. Evaluation of the POP-UP programme: a multicomponent model of care for people living with HIV with homelessness or unstable housing. AIDS (London, England) 2021. PMID: 34076613

  14. Riley ED, Hickey MD, Imbert E, Clemenzi-Allen AA, Gandhi M. COVID-19 and HIV spotlight the U.S. imperative for permanent affordable housing. Clinical infectious diseases : an official publication of the Infectious Diseases Society of America 2020. PMID: 32887980

  15. Chapman LAC, Kushel M, Cox SN, Scarborough A, Cawley C, Nguyen TQ, Rodriguez-Barraquer I, Greenhouse B, Imbert E, Lo NC. Comparison of infection control strategies to reduce COVID-19 outbreaks in homeless shelters in the United States: a simulation study. BMC medicine 2021. PMID: 33962621

  16. Appa A, Rodda LN, Cawley C, Zevin B, Coffin PO, Gandhi M, Imbert E. Drug Overdose Deaths Before and After Shelter-in-Place Orders During the COVID-19 Pandemic in San Francisco. JAMA network open 2021. PMID: 33978726

  17. Self JL, Montgomery MP, Toews KA, Samuels EA, Imbert E, McMichael TM, Marx GE, Lohff C, Andrews T, Ghinai I, Mosites E, COVID-19 Homelessness Response Team. Shelter Characteristics, Infection Prevention Practices, and Universal Testing for SARS-CoV-2 at Homeless Shelters in 7 US Urban Areas. American journal of public health 2021. PMID: 33734836

  18. Davis DLF, Tran-Taylor D, Imbert E, Wong JO, Chou CL. Start the Way You Want to Finish: An Intensive Diversity, Equity, Inclusion Orientation Curriculum in Undergraduate Medical Education. Journal of medical education and curricular development 2021. PMID: 33796793

  19. Fuchs JD, Carter HC, Evans J, Graham-Squire D, Imbert E, Bloome J, Fann C, Skotnes T, Sears J, Pfeifer-Rosenblum R, Moughamian A, Eveland J, Reed A, Borne D, Lee M, Rosenthal M, Jain V, Bobba N, Kushel M, Kanzaria HK. Assessment of a Hotel-Based COVID-19 Isolation and Quarantine Strategy for Persons Experiencing Homelessness. JAMA network open 2021. PMID: 33651111

  20. Hickey MD, Imbert E, Glidden DV, Del Rosario JB, Chong M, Clemenzi-Allen A, Oskarsson J, Riley ED, Gandhi M, Havlir DV. Viral suppression during COVID-19 among people with HIV experiencing homelessness in a low-barrier clinic-based program. AIDS (London, England) 2021. PMID: 33306555

  21. Conte M, Eshun-Wilson I, Geng E, Imbert E, Hickey MD, Havlir D, Gandhi M, Clemenzi-Allen A. Brief Report: Understanding Preferences for HIV Care Among Patients Experiencing Homelessness or Unstable Housing: A Discrete Choice Experiment. Journal of acquired immune deficiency syndromes (1999) 2020. PMID: 33136742

  22. Clemenzi-Allen AA, Hickey M, Conte M, Das D, Geng E, Riley E, Havlir D, Gandhi M, Imbert E. Improving Care Outcomes for PLWH Experiencing Homelessness and Unstable Housing: a Synthetic Review of Clinic-Based Strategies. Current HIV/AIDS reports 2020. PMID: 32382919

  23. Mosites E, Parker EM, Clarke KEN, Gaeta JM, Baggett TP, Imbert E, Sankaran M, Scarborough A, Huster K, Hanson M, Gonzales E, Rauch J, Page L, McMichael TM, Keating R, Marx GE, Andrews T, Schmit K, Morris SB, Dowling NF, Peacock G. Assessment of SARS-CoV-2 Infection Prevalence in Homeless Shelters - Four U.S. Cities, March 27-April 15, 2020. MMWR. Morbidity and mortality weekly report 2020. PMID: 32352957