John Huizar, MD

Assistant Professor

  1. Rael VE, Yano JA, Huizar JP, Slayden LC, Weiss MA, Turcotte EA, Terry JM, Zuo W, Thiffault I, Pastinen T, Farrow EG, Jenkins JL, Becker ML, Wong SC, Stevens AM, Otten C, Allenspach EJ, Bonner DE, Bernstein JA, Wheeler MT, Saxton RA, Undiagnosed Diseases Network, Liu B, Majer O, Barton GM. Large-scale mutational analysis identifies UNC93B1 variants that drive TLR-mediated autoimmunity in mice and humans. Volume 221 of Issue 8. The Journal of experimental medicine 2024. PMID: 38780621

  2. Tan C, Hiwa R, Mueller JL, Vykunta V, Hibiya K, Noviski M, Huizar J, Brooks JF, Garcia J, Heyn C, Li Z, Marson A, Zikherman J. NR4A nuclear receptors restrain B cell responses to antigen when second signals are absent or limiting. Nature immunology 2020. PMID: 32868928

  3. Tan C, Noviski M, Huizar J, Zikherman J. Self-reactivity on a spectrum: A sliding scale of peripheral B cell tolerance. Immunological reviews 2019. PMID: 31631352

  4. Noviski M, Tan C, Huizar J, Vykunta V, Mueller JL, Zikherman J. Optimal Development of Mature B Cells Requires Recognition of Endogenous Antigens. Journal of immunology (Baltimore, Md. : 1950) 2019. PMID: 31167773

  5. Tan C, Mueller JL, Noviski M, Huizar J, Lau D, Dubinin A, Molofsky A, Wilson PC, Zikherman J. Nur77 Links Chronic Antigen Stimulation to B Cell Tolerance by Restricting the Survival of Self-Reactive B Cells in the Periphery. Journal of immunology (Baltimore, Md. : 1950) 2019. PMID: 30962292

  6. Huizar J, Tan C, Noviski M, Mueller JL, Zikherman J. Nur77 Is Upregulated in B-1a Cells by Chronic Self-Antigen Stimulation and Limits Generation of Natural IgM Plasma Cells. Volume 1 of Issue 9. ImmunoHorizons 2017. PMID: 29152611

  7. Myers DR, Lau T, Markegard E, Lim HW, Kasler H, Zhu M, Barczak A, Huizar JP, Zikherman J, Erle DJ, Zhang W, Verdin E, Roose JP. Tonic LAT-HDAC7 Signals Sustain Nur77 and Irf4 Expression to Tune Naive CD4 T Cells. Volume 19 of Issue 8. Cell reports 2017. PMID: 28538176

  8. Prigozhin DM, Krieger IV, Huizar JP, Mavrici D, Waldo GS, Hung LW, Sacchettini JC, Terwilliger TC, Alber T. Subfamily-specific adaptations in the structures of two penicillin-binding proteins from Mycobacterium tuberculosis. Volume 9 of Issue 12. PloS one 2014. PMID: 25551456

  9. Prigozhin DM, Mavrici D, Huizar JP, Vansell HJ, Alber T. Structural and biochemical analyses of Mycobacterium tuberculosis N-acetylmuramyl-L-alanine amidase Rv3717 point to a role in peptidoglycan fragment recycling. Volume 288 of Issue 44. The Journal of biological chemistry 2013. PMID: 24019530

  10. Katibah GE, Lee HJ, Huizar JP, Vogan JM, Alber T, Collins K. tRNA binding, structure, and localization of the human interferon-induced protein IFIT5. Volume 49 of Issue 4. Molecular cell 2013. PMID: 23317505