Kamran Atabai, MD

Associate Prof in Residence

The main focus of my laboratory is examining the role of the extracellular matrix in regulating metabolism, tissue remodeling, and smooth muscle function as these processes relate to cardiovascular disease. My laboratory has several different areas of investigation that have been generated from studies related to this primary focus. (1) We have been investigating the role of the extracellular matrix in coordinating fatty acid uptake and promoting development of obesity and insulin resistance. (2) We have been examining the role of cell-mediated collagen turnover in regulating the severity of tissue fibrosis using both mouse models of fibrosis and RNAi based whole genome screen of collagen turnover in Drosophila phagocytes. (3) We have been examining the role of the extracellular matrix in regulating inflammation and proliferation in both airway and vascular smooth muscle. In airway smooth muscle, we have been exploring a pathway by which the integrin ligand Mfge8 prevents cytokine-induced increases in calcium sensitivity thereby preventing airway obstruction in models of allergic airway disease. In vascular smooth muscle, we have been focused on understanding the mechanisms by which the matrix promotes neointimal hyperplasia and how these effects regulate vascular disease such as vascular stenosis post percutaneous angioplasty and bypass grafting and pulmonary hypertension.

Specific projects currently being actively pursued in the lab are as follows:

1). Understanding the systemic pathways that control absorption of dietary fats and deposition of neutral lipids in peripheral stores. Our goals in this project are to understand what factors systemically regulate lipid metabolism and how these pathways interact with glucose and lipid regulation by insulin. We are particular interested in exploring the link between fatty acids and insulin resistance.

2). Investigating the role of cell-mediated collagen uptake and degradation in regulating tissue fibrosis. The replacement of normal tissue architecture with collagen-rich fibrotic tissue causes significant morbidity and mortality in multiple organ systems. We have recently shown that macrophage-mediated resorption of fibrillar collagens is important in limiting the severity of lung fibrosis after injury. The goal of this project is to delineate the intracellular pathways that regulate collagen turnover with the ultimate goal of targeting them for treatment of established fibrotic disease.

3). Inhibiting activation of RhoA to prevent airway constriction in asthma. Bronchoconstriction is the main cause of shortness of breath in asthma and occurs in large part due to an increase in calcium sensitivity induced by allergic inflammation of airway smooth muscle. We have recently identified a pathway that specifically inhibits the ability of cytokines released in the asthmatic airway to increase calcium sensitivity. We are now focused on comprehensively investigating the molecular pathway that mediates these effects with the ultimate goal of targeting them to prevent airway obstruction in asthma as well as to better understand the mechanisms that regulate calcium sensitivity in smooth muscle beds throughout the body.

Fellowship, - Pulmonary/Critical Care, Harvard University
Postdoctoral Studies, - Graduate Division, University of California, San Francisco
Residency, - School of Medicine - Internal Medicine, University of California, San Francisco
  1. Lin S, Wang J, Mukherjee PK, Mao R, West G, Czarnecki D, Zhao S, Nguyen QT, Elias M, Massey WJ, Liu W, Wang Y, Prasad A, Banerjee S, Goren I, Chandra J, Le HT, Dejanovic D, Li J, Chen M, Holubar S, Olman M, Southern B, Hu S, Gordon IO, Atabai K, Fiocchi C, Rieder F. Milk fat globule-epidermal growth factor 8 (MFGE8) prevents intestinal fibrosis. Gut 2024. PMID: 38378253

  2. Atabai K, Badr MS, Costello J, Ridge K, Rounds S, Turenne M, White ES, Roman J. The American Thoracic Society Research Program (ATSRP) - Twenty Years of Driving Discovery in Respiratory Medicine. American journal of respiratory and critical care medicine 2024. PMID: 38422387

  3. Jourdan Le Saux C, Ho TC, Brumwell AM, Kathiriya JJ, Wei Y, Hughes JB, Garakani K, Atabai K, Auyeung VC, Papa FR, Chapman HA. BCL-2 Modulates IRE1α Activation to Attenuate ER Stress and Pulmonary Fibrosis. American journal of respiratory cell and molecular biology 2023. PMID: 38117250

  4. Podolsky MJ, Kheyfets B, Pandey M, Beigh AH, Yang CD, Lizama CO, Datta R, Lin LL, Wang Z, Wolters PJ, McManus MT, Qi L, Atabai K. Genome-wide screens identify SEL1L as an intracellular rheostat controlling collagen turnover. Nature communications 2024. PMID: 38378719

  5. Datta R, Mukherjee D, Podolsky MJ, Yang CD, Alba DL, Singh S, Arnold TD, Koliwad S, Lizama CO, Atabai K. PTP1B mediates the inhibitory effect of MFGE8 on insulin signaling through the β5 integrin. The Journal of biological chemistry 2024. PMID: 38199575

  6. Podolsky MJ, Kheyfets B, Beigh AH, Yang CD, Valenzuela CL, Datta R, Wolters PJ, McManus MT, Qi L, Atabai K. Genome-wide screens identify SEL1L as an intracellular rheostat controlling collagen turnover. bioRxiv : the preprint server for biology 2023. PMID: 36711851

  7. McKinsey GL, Santander N, Zhang X, Kleemann K, Tran L, Katewa A, Conant K, Barraza M, Waddell K, Lizama C, La Russa M, Koo HJ, Lee H, Mukherjee D, Paidassi H, Anton ES, Atabai K, Sheppard D, Butovsky O, Arnold TD. Radial glia promote microglial development through integrin α V β 8 -TGFβ1 signaling. bioRxiv : the preprint server for biology 2023. PMID: 37790363

  8. Datta R, Podolsky MJ, Yang CD, Alba DL, Singh S, Koliwad S, Lizama CO, Atabai K. MFGE8 inhibits insulin signaling through PTP1B. bioRxiv : the preprint server for biology 2023. PMID: 37398282

  9. Sinan Lin, Jie Wang, Pranab Mukherjee, Ren Mao, Gail A. West, Doug Czarnecki, Shuai Zhao, Quang Tam Nguyen, Jyotsna Chandra, Thi Hong Nga Le, Dina Dejanovic, Minhu Chen, Stefan D. Holubar, Mitch Olman, Brian D. Southern, Shaomin Hu, Ilyssa O. Gordon, Kamran Atabai, Claudio Fiocchi, Florian Rieder. Tu1246 CROHN'S DISEASE STRICTURE MATRISOME ANALYSIS REVEALS THE ANTI-FIBROTIC ACTIVITY OF MILK-FAT GLOBULE-EPIDERMAL GROWTH FACTOR 8 (MFGE8). Gastroenterology 2023. PMID:

  10. Datta R, Gholampour MA, Yang CD, Volk R, Lin S, Podolsky MJ, Arnold T, Rieder F, Zaro BW, Verzi M, Lehner R, Abumrad N, Lizama CO, Atabai K. MFGE8 links absorption of dietary fatty acids with catabolism of enterocyte lipid stores through HNF4?-dependent transcription of CES enzymes. Cell reports 2023. PMID: 36924494

  11. S Lin, J Wang, P Mukherjee, R Mao, G West, D Czarnecki, S Zhao, M Elias, Q T Nguyen, J Chandra, T H N Le, M H Chen, D Dejanovic, S Holubar, M Olman, B Southern, S Hu, I O Gordon, K Atabai, C Fiocchi, F Rieder. DOP32 Crohn’s disease stricture matrisome analysis reveals the anti-fibrotic activity of milk-fat globule-epidermal growth factor 8 (MFGE8). Journal of Crohn's and Colitis 2023. PMID:

  12. Datta R, Lizama CO, Soltani AK, Mckleroy W, Podolsky MJ, Yang CD, Huynh TL, Cautivo KM, Wang B, Koliwad SK, Abumrad NA, Atabai K. Autoregulation of insulin receptor signaling through MFGE8 and the αvβ5 integrin. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 2021. PMID: 33903257

  13. Atabai K, Yang CD, Podolsky MJ. You Say You Want a Resolution (of Fibrosis). American journal of respiratory cell and molecular biology 2020. PMID: 32640171

  14. Oguri Y, Shinoda K, Kim H, Alba DL, Bolus WR, Wang Q, Brown Z, Pradhan RN, Tajima K, Yoneshiro T, Ikeda K, Chen Y, Cheang RT, Tsujino K, Kim CR, Greiner VJ, Datta R, Yang CD, Atabai K, McManus MT, Koliwad SK, Spiegelman BM, Kajimura S. CD81 Controls Beige Fat Progenitor Cell Growth and Energy Balance via FAK Signaling. Cell 2020. PMID: 32615086

  15. Podolsky MJ, Yang CD, Lizama C, Datta R, Huang SK, Nishimura SL, Dallas SL, Wolters P, Jourdan Le Saux C, Atabai K. Age-dependent regulation of cell-mediated collagen turnover. JCI insight 2020. PMID: 32315288

  16. Datta R, Podolsky MJ, Atabai K. Fat fibrosis: friend or foe? JCI insight 2018. PMID: 30282827

  17. Zhou Y, Bond AM, Shade JE, Zhu Y, Davis CO, Wang X, Su Y, Yoon KJ, Phan AT, Chen WJ, Oh JH, Marsh-Armstrong N, Atabai K, Ming GL, Song H. Autocrine Mfge8 Signaling Prevents Developmental Exhaustion of the Adult Neural Stem Cell Pool. Cell stem cell 2018. PMID: 30174295

  18. Viola JR, Lemnitzer P, Paulin N, Drechsler M, Nazari-Jahantigh M, Maas S, De Jong RJ, Winter J, Schober A, Weber C, Atabai K, Soehnlein O. Deletion of MFGE8 Inhibits Neointima Formation upon Arterial Damage. Thrombosis and haemostasis 2018. PMID: 29864782

  19. Podolsky MJ, Gupta D, Ha A, Ta R, Khalifeh-Soltani A, McKleroy W, Datta R, Sheppard D, Atabai K. Cell Division Cycle 7-Kinase is a negative regulator of cell-mediated collagen degradation. American journal of physiology. Lung cellular and molecular physiology 2018. PMID: 29792348

  20. Khalifeh-Soltani A, Gupta D, Ha A, Podolsky MJ, Datta R, Atabai K. The Mfge8-a8ß1-PTEN pathway regulates airway smooth muscle contraction in allergic inflammation. FASEB journal : official publication of the Federation of American Societies for Experimental Biology 2018. PMID: 29763381

  21. Zhou Y, Horowitz JC, Naba A, Ambalavanan N, Atabai K, Balestrini J, Bitterman PB, Corley RA, Ding BS, Engler AJ, Hansen KC, Hagood JS, Kheradmand F, Lin QS, Neptune E, Niklason L, Ortiz LA, Parks WC, Tschumperlin DJ, White ES, Chapman HA, Thannickal VJ. Extracellular matrix in lung development, homeostasis and disease. Matrix biology : journal of the International Society for Matrix Biology 2018. PMID: 29524630

  22. Michalski MN, Seydel AL, Siismets EM, Zweifler LE, Koh AJ, Sinder BP, Aguirre JI, Atabai K, Roca H, McCauley LK. Inflammatory bone loss associated with MFG-E8 deficiency is rescued by teriparatide. FASEB journal : official publication of the Federation of American Societies for Experimental Biology 2018. PMID: 29475373

  23. Long Z, Cao M, Su S, Wu G, Meng F, Wu H, Liu J, Yu W, Atabai K, Wang X. Inhibition of hepatocyte nuclear factor 1b induces hepatic steatosis through DPP4/NOX1-mediated regulation of superoxide. Volume 113. Free radical biology & medicine 2017. PMID: 28942246

  24. Xie Y, Cifarelli V, Pietka T, Newberry EP, Kennedy SM, Khalifeh-Soltani A, Clugston R, Atabai K, Abumrad NA, Davidson NO. Cd36 knockout mice are protected against lithogenic diet-induced gallstones. Volume 58 of Issue 8. Journal of lipid research 2017. PMID: 28634191

  25. Khalifeh-Soltani A, Gupta D, Ha A, Iqbal J, Hussain M, Podolsky MJ, Atabai K. Mfge8 regulates enterocyte lipid storage by promoting enterocyte triglyceride hydrolase activity. Volume 1 of Issue 18. JCI insight 2016. PMID: 27812539

  26. Khalifeh-Soltani A, Ha A, Podolsky MJ, McCarthy DA, McKleroy W, Azary S, Sakuma S, Tharp KM, Wu N, Yokosaki Y, Hart D, Stahl A, Atabai K. a8ß1 integrin regulates nutrient absorption through an Mfge8-PTEN dependent mechanism. Volume 5. eLife 2016. PMID: 27092791

  27. Tharp KM, Khalifeh-Soltani A, Park HM, Yurek DA, Falcon A, Wong L, Feng R, Atabai K, Stahl A. Prevention of gallbladder hypomotility via FATP2 inhibition protects from lithogenic diet-induced cholelithiasis. Volume 310 of Issue 10. American journal of physiology. Gastrointestinal and liver physiology 2016. PMID: 27033116

  28. Bhattacharya M, Sundaram A, Kudo M, Farmer J, Ganesan P, Khalifeh-Soltani A, Arjomandi M, Atabai K, Huang X, Sheppard D. IQGAP1-dependent scaffold suppresses RhoA and inhibits airway smooth muscle contraction. Volume 124 of Issue 11. The Journal of clinical investigation 2014. PMID: 25271629

  29. Soki FN, Koh AJ, Jones JD, Kim YW, Dai J, Keller ET, Pienta KJ, Atabai K, Roca H, McCauley LK. Polarization of prostate cancer-associated macrophages is induced by milk fat globule-EGF factor 8 (MFG-E8)-mediated efferocytosis. Volume 289 of Issue 35. The Journal of biological chemistry 2014. PMID: 25006249

  30. Khalifeh-Soltani A, McKleroy W, Sakuma S, Cheung YY, Tharp K, Qiu Y, Turner SM, Chawla A, Stahl A, Atabai K. Mfge8 promotes obesity by mediating the uptake of dietary fats and serum fatty acids. Volume 20 of Issue 2. Nature medicine 2014. PMID: 24441829

  31. Lee TH, McKleroy W, Khalifeh-Soltani A, Sakuma S, Lazarev S, Riento K, Nishimura SL, Nichols BJ, Atabai K. Functional genomic screen identifies novel mediators of collagen uptake. Volume 25 of Issue 5. Molecular biology of the cell 2014. PMID: 24403604

  32. McKleroy W, Lee TH, Atabai K. Always cleave up your mess: targeting collagen degradation to treat tissue fibrosis. Volume 304 of Issue 11. American journal of physiology. Lung cellular and molecular physiology 2013. PMID: 23564511

  33. Kudo M, Khalifeh Soltani SM, Sakuma SA, McKleroy W, Lee TH, Woodruff PG, Lee JW, Huang K, Chen C, Arjomandi M, Huang X, Atabai K. Mfge8 suppresses airway hyperresponsiveness in asthma by regulating smooth muscle contraction. Volume 110 of Issue 2. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 2012. PMID: 23269839

  34. Kudo M, Melton AC, Chen C, Engler MB, Huang KE, Ren X, Wang Y, Bernstein X, Li JT, Atabai K, Huang X, Sheppard D. IL-17A produced by aß T cells drives airway hyper-responsiveness in mice and enhances mouse and human airway smooth muscle contraction. Volume 18 of Issue 4. Nature medicine 2012. PMID: 22388091

  35. Atabai K, Jame S, Azhar N, Kuo A, Lam M, McKleroy W, Dehart G, Rahman S, Xia DD, Melton AC, Wolters P, Emson CL, Turner SM, Werb Z, Sheppard D. Mfge8 diminishes the severity of tissue fibrosis in mice by binding and targeting collagen for uptake by macrophages. Volume 119 of Issue 12. The Journal of clinical investigation 2009. PMID: 19884654

  36. Nandrot EF, Anand M, Almeida D, Atabai K, Sheppard D, Finnemann SC. Essential role for MFG-E8 as ligand for alphavbeta5 integrin in diurnal retinal phagocytosis. Volume 104 of Issue 29. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 2007. PMID: 17620600

  37. Atabai K, Sheppard D, Werb Z. Roles of the innate immune system in mammary gland remodeling during involution. Volume 12 of Issue 1. Journal of mammary gland biology and neoplasia 2007. PMID: 17286210

  38. Atabai K, Fernandez R, Huang X, Ueki I, Kline A, Li Y, Sadatmansoori S, Smith-Steinhart C, Zhu W, Pytela R, Werb Z, Sheppard D. Mfge8 is critical for mammary gland remodeling during involution. Volume 16 of Issue 12. Molecular biology of the cell 2005. PMID: 16195353

  39. Atabai K, Ishigaki M, Geiser T, Ueki I, Matthay MA, Ware LB. Keratinocyte growth factor can enhance alveolar epithelial repair by nonmitogenic mechanisms. Volume 283 of Issue 1. American journal of physiology. Lung cellular and molecular physiology 2002. PMID: 12060573

  40. Atabai K, Ware LB, Snider ME, Koch P, Daniel B, Nuckton TJ, Matthay MA. Aerosolized beta(2)-adrenergic agonists achieve therapeutic levels in the pulmonary edema fluid of ventilated patients with acute respiratory failure. Volume 28 of Issue 6. Intensive care medicine 2002. PMID: 12107675

  41. Burgel PR, Lazarus SC, Tam DC, Ueki IF, Atabai K, Birch M, Nadel JA. Human eosinophils induce mucin production in airway epithelial cells via epidermal growth factor receptor activation. Volume 167 of Issue 10. Journal of immunology (Baltimore, Md. : 1950) 2001. PMID: 11698473

  42. Geiser T, Atabai K, Jarreau PH, Ware LB, Pugin J, Matthay MA. Pulmonary edema fluid from patients with acute lung injury augments in vitro alveolar epithelial repair by an IL-1beta-dependent mechanism. Volume 163 of Issue 6. American journal of respiratory and critical care medicine 2001. PMID: 11371405

  43. Miller LS, Atabai K, Nowakowski M, Chan A, Bluth MH, Minkoff H, Durkin HG. Increased expression of CD23 (Fc(epsilon) receptor II) by peripheral blood monocytes of aids patients. AIDS research and human retroviruses 2001. PMID: 11282013

  44. Geiser T, Jarreau PH, Atabai K, Matthay MA. Interleukin-1beta augments in vitro alveolar epithelial repair. Volume 279 of Issue 6. American journal of physiology. Lung cellular and molecular physiology 2000. PMID: 11076808