Leslie Floren, PharmD, PhD, MA

Associate Dean and Professor

Leslie Carstensen Floren, PharmD, DABCP is an Associate Adjunct Professor of Bioengineering and Therapeutic Sciences (BTS) in the School of Pharmacy at UCSF, the Academic Coordinator and Director of Professional and Postdoctoral Educational Affairs in BTS as well as the co-Director of the NIH-funded, UCSF Clinical Pharmacology Fellowship Training Program. Her teaching responsibilities for the past several years have included, primarily, teaching pharmacokinetics/pharmacodynamics, clinical pharmacology and principles of drug development and regulatory sciences to a wide variety of students, including professional students in the PharmD program, Clinical Pharmacology Fellows, junior faculty members, and working professionals from industrial backgrounds. Teaching is one of her greatest pleasures and she has been honored to receive the School of Pharmacy Dean’s Recognition for Excellence in Teaching every year since 2005 and, in 2010, she received the highest honor in the School of Pharmacy for teaching, the Long Award for Excellence in Teaching. Dr. Floren has a keen interest in curriculum development, teaching methodology and assessment, educational technology and online education and will begin training in the School of Medicine 2012-2013 Teaching Scholars Program in order to develop innovative curricula, to implement novel teaching methods and to use technology in order to “bring to life” the principles of Pharmacokinetics, Pharmacodynamics and Clinical Pharmacology for a wide variety of students within and across disciplines and, ultimately, to have a positive impact on patient health. She also plans to conduct scholarly research that will demonstrate the utility of practice-based teaching methods in order to advance interdisciplinary pharmaceutical sciences education within UCSF, our local community and across the country.

11/2020 - Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Champion Training, University of California
MA, 12/2013 - Health Professions Education, University of California
Post-Doc Fellow/Scholar, 1997 - School of Pharmacy, University of California
Pharm.D., 1994 - School of Pharmacy, University of California
Residency, - School of Pharmacy, University of California
Honors and Awards
  • UCSF Teaching Scholars Program, 2012
  • Long Award for Excellence in Teaching, 2010
  • UCSF School of Pharmacy Dean’s Recognition for Excellence in Teaching, 2005-2012
  • Postdoctoral Research Fellowship, Department of Biopharmaceutical Sciences, UCSF, 1995-1997
  1. Floren LC, Pittenger AL, Wilting I, Irby DM, Cate OT. Medical Residents' Informal Learning from Pharmacists in the Clinical Workplace. Medical Science Educator 2023. PMID: 37360063

  2. Byerly LK, Floren LC, Yukawa M. Fostering Interprofessional Geriatric Patient Care Skills for Health Professions Students Through a Nursing Facility-Based Immersion Rotation. MedEdPORTAL : the journal of teaching and learning resources 2020. PMID: 33409357

  3. Bautista CA, Huang I, Stebbins M, Floren LC, Wamsley M, Youmans SL, Hsia SL. Development of an interprofessional rotation for pharmacy and medical students to perform telehealth outreach to vulnerable patients in the COVID-19 pandemic. Journal of interprofessional care 2020. PMID: 32917114

  4. Floren LC, Ten Cate O, Irby DM, O'Brien BC. An interaction analysis model to study knowledge construction in interprofessional education: proof of concept. Journal of interprofessional care 2020. PMID: 32811214

  5. Byerly LK, Floren LC, Yukawa M, O'Brien BC. Getting outside the box: exploring role fluidity in interprofessional student groups through the lens of activity theory. Advances in health sciences education : theory and practice 2020. PMID: 32705403

  6. Floren LC, Mandal J, Dall'Era M, Shin J, Irby DM, Cate OT, O'Brien BC. A Mobile Learning Module to Support Interprofessional Knowledge Construction in the Health Professions. American journal of pharmaceutical education 2020. PMID: 32226076

  7. Brouwer KLR, Schmidt S, Floren LC, Johnson JA. Clinical Pharmacology Education - The Decade Ahead. Clinical pharmacology and therapeutics 2019. PMID: 31709518

  8. Oosterom N, Floren LC, Ten Cate O, Westerveld HE. A review of interprofessional training wards: Enhancing student learning and patient outcomes. Medical teacher 2018. PMID: 30394168

  9. Floren LC, Donesky D, Whitaker E, Irby DM, Ten Cate O, O'Brien BC. Are We on the Same Page? Shared Mental Models to Support Clinical Teamwork Among Health Professions Learners: A Scoping Review. Volume 93 of Issue 3. Academic medicine : journal of the Association of American Medical Colleges 2018. PMID: 29028635

  10. Frassetto L, Floren L, Barin B, Browne M, Wolfe A, Roland M, Stock P, Carlson L, Christians U, Benet L. Changes in clearance, volume and bioavailability of immunosuppressants when given with HAART in HIV-1 infected liver and kidney transplant recipients. Volume 34 of Issue 8. Biopharmaceutics & drug disposition 2013. PMID: 24030928

  11. Daud AI, Xu C, Hwu WJ, Urbas P, Andrews S, Papadopoulos NE, Floren LC, Yver A, Deconti RC, Sondak VK.. Cancer Chemother Pharmacol Pharmacokinetic/pharmacodynamic analysis of adjuvant pegylated interferon alpha-2b in patients with resected high-risk melanoma. 2011. PMID:

  12. DeConti RC, Algazi AP, Andrews S, Urbas P, Born O, Stoeckigt D, Floren L, Hwang J, Weber J, Sondak VK, Daud AI.. Br J Cancer Phase II trial of sagopilone, a novel epothilone analog in metastatic melanoma. 2010. PMID:

  13. GR Tonn, SG Wong, SC Wong, MG Johnson, J Ma, R Cho, LC Floren, K Kersey, K Berry, AP Marcus, X Wang, B Van Lengerich, JC Medina, PG Pearson, and BK Wong.. Drug Metab Dispos An Inhibitory Metabolite Leads to Dose- and Time-Dependent Pharmacokinetics of (R)-N-{1-[3-(4-Ethoxy-phenyl)-4-oxo-3,4-dihydro-pyrido[2,3-d]pyrimidin-2-yl]-ethyl}-N-pyridin-3-yl-methyl-2-(4-trifluoromethoxy-phenyl)-acetamide (AMG 487) in Human Subjects Af 2009. PMID:

  14. LA Frassetto, Thai T, Aggarwal A, Bucher P, Jacobsen W, U Christians, LZ Benet, LC Floren.. Drug Metab Pharmacokinet Pharmacokinetic Interactions between Cyclosporine and Protease Inhibitors in HIV+ Subjects. 2003. PMID:

  15. LC Floren, A Wiznia , SA Hayashi, A Jaywardene, K Stanley, G Johnson, S Nachman, P Krosstad, F Aweeka.. Pediatrics Nelfinavir pharmacokinetics in stable HIV-positive children: AIDS Clinical Trials Group Protocol 377. 2003. PMID:

  16. L Mancinelli, L Frassetto, LC Floren, D Dressler, S Carrier, I Bekersky, LZ Benet, U Christians.. Clin Pharmacol Ther The pharmacokinetics and metabolic disposition of tacrolimus: a comparison across ethnic groups. 2001. PMID:

  17. LC Floren, MF Hebert, AP Venook, VC Jordan, A Cisneros, and KA Somberg.. Ann Onc Tamoxifen in liver disease: potential exacerbation of hepatic function. 1998. PMID:

  18. C Cheng and LC Floren.. CJHP Pharmacogenetics: The clinical significance of cytochrome P450 polymorphisms. 1998. PMID:

  19. U Christians, W Jacobsen and LC Floren.. Pharmacol Ther Metabolism and drug interactions of the 3-hydroxy-3methylglutaryl Coenzyme A reductase inhibitors in transplant patients: are the statins mechanistically similar? 1998. PMID:

  20. LC Floren, I Bekersky, LZ Benet, QA Mekki, DE Dressler, JW Lee, JP Roberts, and MF Hebert.. Clin Pharmacol Ther Tacrolimus oral bioavailability doubles with co-administration of ketoconazole. 1997. PMID:

  21. U Christians, LC Floren, G Kirchner, and K-F Sewing.. Transplantationsmedizen The clinical pharmacokinetics of macrolide immunosuppressants and its impact on the clinical management of organ transplantation. 1997. PMID: