Lynn Pulliam, PhD


Dr. Pulliam is Professor of Laboratory Medicine and Medicine at UCSF. Her research interests are in HIV-associated cognitive impairment, neuroinflammation and chronic monocyte activation. She has begun to study how extracellular vesicles from activated cells can influence inflammation in recipient cells. Also, isolation of blood neuron-derived exosomes can be a window into the health of brain neurons and can be used as biomarkers for cognitive impairment in HIV, Alzheimer's and post COVID sequelae. She is former President and continuing Board of Directors Member of the Society for Neurovirology as well as a member of several journal Editorial Boards. Dr. Pulliam is Director of Microbiology at the San Francisco Veterans Affairs Medical Center where she teaches microbiology to Infectious Disease and Laboratory Medicine residents and fellows.

Ph.D., 1983 - Graduate Division (Experimental Pathology), University of California, San Francisco
M.S., 1977 - Microbiology, California State University, Long Beach
BA, 1969 - Biology, Northwestern University, Evanston
Honors and Awards
  • Pioneer in Neurovirology, International Society for Neurovirology, 2019
  • Prize in Neurovirology, Drexel College of Medicine, 2017
  • Most Influential Women in Business, San Francisco Business Times, 2012
  • President, Society for Neurovirology, 2010-2013
  • Outstanding Women in Neuroscience, International Society for Neurovirology, 2009
  1. Sun B, Tang N, Peluso MJ, Iyer NS, Torres L, Donatelli JL, Munter SE, Nixon CC, Rutishauser RL, Rodriguez-Barraquer I, Greenhouse B, Kelly JD, Martin JN, Deeks SG, Henrich TJ, Pulliam L. Characterization and Biomarker Analyses of Post-COVID-19 Complications and Neurological Manifestations. Cells 2021. PMID: 33668514

  2. Pulliam L, Liston M, Sun B, Narvid J. Using neuronal extracellular vesicles and machine learning to predict cognitive deficits in HIV. Journal of neurovirology 2020. PMID: 32681213

  3. Sun B, Abadjian L, Monto A, Freasier H, Pulliam L. HCV cure in HIV coinfection dampens inflammation and improves cognition through multiple mechanisms. The Journal of infectious diseases 2020. PMID: 32157304

  4. Pulliam L, Sun B, Mustapic M, Chawla S, Kapogiannis D. Plasma neuronal exosomes serve as biomarkers of cognitive impairment in HIV infection and Alzheimer's disease. Journal of neurovirology 2019. PMID: 30610738

  5. Sun B, Dalvi P, Abadjian L, Tang N, Pulliam L. Blood neuron-derived exosomes as biomarkers of cognitive impairment in HIV. Volume 31 of Issue 14. AIDS (London, England) 2017. PMID: 28692534

  6. Dalvi P, Sun B, Tang N, Pulliam L. Immune activated monocyte exosomes alter microRNAs in brain endothelial cells and initiate an inflammatory response through the TLR4/MyD88 pathway. Volume 7 of Issue 1. Scientific Reports 2017. PMID: 28855621

  7. Tang N, Sun B, Gupta A, Rempel H, Pulliam L. Monocyte exosomes induce adhesion molecules and cytokines via activation of NF-?B in endothelial cells. Volume 30 of Issue 9. FASEB journal : official publication of the Federation of American Societies for Experimental Biology 2016. PMID: 27226520

  8. Goetzl EJ, Goetzl L, Karliner JS, Tang N, Pulliam L. Human plasma platelet-derived exosomes: effects of aspirin. Volume 30 of Issue 5. FASEB journal : official publication of the Federation of American Societies for Experimental Biology 2016. PMID: 26873936

  9. Pulliam L, Gupta A. Modulation of cellular function through immune-activated exosomes. Volume 34 of Issue 7. DNA and cell biology 2015. PMID: 25945690

  10. Pulliam L, Calosing C, Sun B, Grunfeld C, Rempel H. Monocyte activation from interferon-a in HIV infection increases acetylated LDL uptake and ROS production. Volume 34 of Issue 10. Journal of interferon & cytokine research : the official journal of the International Society for Interferon and Cytokine Research 2014. PMID: 24731171

  11. Gupta A, Pulliam L. Exosomes as mediators of neuroinflammation. Journal of neuroinflammation 2014. PMID: 24694258

  12. Pulliam L. Cognitive consequences of a sustained monocyte type 1 IFN response in HIV-1 infection. Volume 12 of Issue 2. Current HIV research 2014. PMID: 24862334

  13. Rempel H, Sun B, Calosing C, Abadjian L, Monto A, Pulliam L. Monocyte activation in HIV/HCV coinfection correlates with cognitive impairment. Volume 8 of Issue 2. PloS one 2013. PMID: 23437063

  14. Sun B, Abadjian L, Rempel H, Monto A, Pulliam L. Differential cognitive impairment in HCV coinfected men with controlled HIV compared to HCV monoinfection. Volume 62 of Issue 2. Journal of acquired immune deficiency syndromes (1999) 2013. PMID: 23187938

  15. Joseph J, Achim CL, Boivin MJ, Brew BJ, Clifford DB, Colosi DA, Ellis RJ, Heaton RK, Gallo-Diop A, Grant I, Kanmogne GD, Kumar M, Letendre S, Marcotte TD, Nath A, Pardo CA, Paul RH, Pulliam L, Robertson K, Royal W, Sacktor N, Sithinamsuwan P, Smith DM, Valcour V, Wigdahl B, Wood C. Global NeuroAIDS roundtable. Volume 19 of Issue 1. Journal of neurovirology 2013. PMID: 23354550

  16. Wang Q, Na B, Ou JH, Pulliam L, Yen TS. Hepatitis B virus alters the antioxidant system in transgenic mice and sensitizes hepatocytes to Fas signaling. Volume 7 of Issue 5. PloS one 2012. PMID: 22606292

  17. Pulliam L, Rempel H, Sun B, Abadjian L, Calosing C, Meyerhoff DJ. A peripheral monocyte interferon phenotype in HIV infection correlates with a decrease in magnetic resonance spectroscopy metabolite concentrations. Volume 25 of Issue 14. AIDS (London, England) 2011. PMID: 21750421

  18. O'Donovan A, Sun B, Cole S, Rempel H, Lenoci M, Pulliam L, Neylan T. Transcriptional control of monocyte gene expression in post-traumatic stress disorder. Volume 30 of Issue 2-3. Disease markers 2011. PMID: 21508516

  19. Neylan TC, Sun B, Rempel H, Ross J, Lenoci M, O'Donovan A, Pulliam L. Suppressed monocyte gene expression profile in men versus women with PTSD. Volume 25 of Issue 3. Brain, behavior, and immunity 2010. PMID: 21145962

  20. Rempel H, Sun B, Calosing C, Pillai SK, Pulliam L. Interferon-alpha drives monocyte gene expression in chronic unsuppressed HIV-1 infection. Volume 24 of Issue 10. AIDS (London, England) 2010. PMID: 20495440

  21. Sun B, Abadjian L, Rempel H, Calosing C, Rothlind J, Pulliam L. Peripheral biomarkers do not correlate with cognitive impairment in highly active antiretroviral therapy-treated subjects with human immunodeficiency virus type 1 infection. Volume 16 of Issue 2. Journal of neurovirology 2010. PMID: 20307252

  22. Hans Rempel, Bing Sun, Cyrus Calosing, Satish Pillai, Lynn Pulliam. Interferon alpha drives monocyte gene expression in chronic unsuppressed HIV-i1 infection Interferon alpha drives monocyte gene expression in chronic unsuppressed HIV-i1 infection 2010. PMID:

  23. Pulliam L. HIV regulation of amyloid beta production. Volume 4 of Issue 2. Journal of neuroimmune pharmacology : the official journal of the Society on NeuroImmune Pharmacology 2009. PMID: 19288202