Neia Prata Menezes, PhD

Postdoctoral Scholar

Neia Prata Menezes joins DPS as a Training in AIDS Prevention (TAPS) Fellow. Her research explores behavioral, social, and structural barriers and facilitators to HIV prevention and treatment services among historically marginalized populations. She has worked as a research analyst within Global Health Sciences at UCSF to implement a variety of monitoring and evaluation and surveillance projects to characterize programmatic gaps among vulnerable populations across sub-Saharan and PEPFAR-funded countries. As a TAPS fellow, Neia will build on her expertise and explore the design, implementation, and evaluation of social and behavioral interventions to improve access and utilization of HIV services among vulnerable groups. She is also interested in deepening her understanding of the intersection of stigma, substance use, and social support on the health outcomes of vulnerable populations.

PhD, 12/2022 - Infectious Disease Epidemiology, Johns Hopkins University Bloomberg School of Public Health
MPH, 05/2013 - Global Epidemiology, Emory University Rollins School of Public Health
AB, 05/2011 - Ecology and Evolutionary Biology, Princeton University
NIMH T32 Postdoctoral Fellowship, - AIDS Prevention Studies, University of California, San Francisco