Paul Simpson, MD

Prof In Residence

I am a clinical cardiologist at the San Francisco VA Medical Center treating inpatients and outpatients with heart disease since 1978. I also direct a lab at the VA, with a main goal to discover new drugs to treat heart failure, a major problem in cardiology. The lab has pursued initial findings from the early 1980s to the present, identifying a subclass of receptors for adrenaline as potential targets for a heart failure drug. Efforts in the lab are directed to this new drug, as well as discovering novel aspects of the class of adrenaline receptors. The lab has been funded continuously by the NIH and the VA, with additional important contribution from the AHA.

Clinical Fellow, 1977 - Cardiology, Mass General Hospital
Resident, 1975 - Medicine, University of California
Research Fellow, 1974 - Neurobiology, NIH, NHLBI
Resident, 1972 - Medicine, Mass General Hospital
MD, 1970 - Medicine, Washington Univ School of Medicine
BS, 1966 - Biology & Psychology, Davidson College
  1. Lefton KB, Wu Y, Yen A, Okuda T, Zhang Y, Dai Y, Walsh S, Manno R, Dougherty JD, Samineni VK, Simpson PC, Papouin T. Norepinephrine Signals Through Astrocytes To Modulate Synapses. bioRxiv : the preprint server for biology 2024. PMID: 38826209

  2. Sandroni PB, Schroder MA, Hawkins HT, Bailon JD, Huang W, Hagen JT, Montgomery M, Hong SJ, Chin AL, Zhang J, Rodrigo MC, Kim B, Simpson PC, Schisler JC, Ellis JM, Fisher-Wellman KH, Jensen BC. The alpha-1A adrenergic receptor regulates mitochondrial oxidative metabolism in the mouse heart. Journal of molecular and cellular cardiology 2024. PMID: 38331556

  3. Zhang J, Sandroni PB, Huang W, Gao X, Oswalt L, Schroder MA, Lee S, Shih YI, Huang HS, Swigart PM, Myagmar BE, Simpson PC, Rossi JS, Schisler JC, Jensen BC. Cardiomyocyte Alpha-1A Adrenergic Receptors Mitigate Postinfarct Remodeling and Mortality by Constraining Necroptosis. JACC. Basic to translational science 2023. PMID: 38362342

  4. Reitman ME, Tse V, Mi X, Willoughby DD, Peinado A, Aivazidis A, Myagmar BE, Simpson PC, Bayraktar OA, Yu G, Poskanzer KE. Norepinephrine links astrocytic activity to regulation of cortical state. Nature neuroscience 2023. PMID: 36997759

  5. Zhang J, Simpson PC, Jensen B. Cardiac alpha-1A-adrenergic receptors: emerging protective roles in cardiovascular diseases. American journal of physiology. Heart and circulatory physiology 2020. PMID: 33275531

  6. Myagmar BE, Ismaili T, Swigart P, Raghunathan A, Baker AJ, Sahdeo S, Blevitt JM, Milla ME, Simpson PC. Coupling to Gq Signaling Is Required for Cardioprotection by an Alpha-1A-Adrenergic Receptor Agonist. Circulation research 2019. PMID: 31426700

  7. Cowley PM, Wang G, Swigart PM, Raghunathan A, Reddy NP, Dulam P, Lovett DH, Simpson PC, Baker AJ. Reversal of Right Ventricular failure by Chronic α1A-Subtype Adrenergic Agonist Therapy. American journal of physiology. Heart and circulatory physiology 2018. PMID: 30412439

  8. López JE, Jaradeh K, Silva E, Aminololama-Shakeri S, Simpson PC. A method to increase reproducibility in adult ventricular myocyte sizing and flow cytometry: Avoiding cell size bias in single cell preparations. PloS one 2017. PMID: 29084228

  9. Cowley PM, Wang G, Joshi S, Swigart PM, Lovett DH, Simpson PC, Baker AJ. a1A-Subtype adrenergic agonist therapy for the failing right ventricle. Volume 313 of Issue 6. American journal of physiology. Heart and circulatory physiology 2017. PMID: 28822963

  10. López JE, Sharma J, Avila J, Wood TS, VanDyke JE, McLaughlin B, Abbey CK, Wong A, Myagmar BE, Swigart PM, Simpson PC, Chiamvimonvat N. Novel large-particle FACS purification of adult ventricular myocytes reveals accumulation of myosin and actin disproportionate to cell size and proteome in normal post-weaning development. Journal of molecular and cellular cardiology 2017. PMID: 28780067

  11. Myagmar BE, Flynn JM, Cowley PM, Swigart PM, Montgomery MD, Thai K, Nair D, Gupta R, Deng DX, Hosoda C, Melov S, Baker AJ, Simpson PC. Adrenergic Receptors in Individual Ventricular Myocytes: The Beta-1 and Alpha-1B Are in All Cells, the Alpha-1A Is in a Subpopulation, and the Beta-2 and Beta-3 Are Mostly Absent. Circulation research 2017. PMID: 28219977

  12. Beak J, Huang W, Parker JS, Hicks ST, Patterson C, Simpson PC, Ma A, Jin J, Jensen BC. An Oral Selective Alpha-1A Adrenergic Receptor Agonist Prevents Doxorubicin Cardiotoxicity. JACC. Basic to translational science 2017. PMID: 28286875

  13. Montgomery MD, Chan T, Swigart PM, Myagmar BE, Dash R, Simpson PC. An Alpha-1A Adrenergic Receptor Agonist Prevents Acute Doxorubicin Cardiomyopathy in Male Mice. PloS one 2017. PMID: 28081170

  14. Willis MS, Ilaiwy A, Montgomery MD, Simpson PC, Jensen BC. The alpha-1A adrenergic receptor agonist A61603 reduces cardiac polyunsaturated fatty acid and endocannabinoid metabolites associated with inflammation in vivo. Metabolomics : Official journal of the Metabolomic Society 2016. PMID: 28533737

  15. Thomas RC, Cowley PM, Singh A, Myagmar BE, Swigart PM, Baker AJ, Simpson PC. The Alpha-1A Adrenergic Receptor in the Rabbit Heart. PloS one 2016. PMID: 27258143

  16. Thomas RC, Singh A, Cowley P, Myagmar BE, Montgomery MD, Swigart PM, De Marco T, Baker AJ, Simpson PC. A Myocardial Slice Culture Model Reveals Alpha-1A-Adrenergic Receptor Signaling in the Human Heart. JACC. Basic to translational science 2016. PMID: 27453955

  17. Simpson PC. A New Pathway for Sympathetic Cardioprotection in Heart Failure. Circulation research 2015. PMID: 26358108

  18. Cowley PM, Wang G, Chang AN, Makwana O, Swigart PM, Lovett DH, Stull JT, Simpson PC, Baker AJ. The a1A-adrenergic receptor subtype mediates increased contraction of failing right ventricular myocardium. Volume 309 of Issue 5. American journal of physiology. Heart and circulatory physiology 2015. PMID: 26116709

  19. Shimkunas R, Makwana O, Spaulding K, Bazargan M, Khazalpour M, Takaba K, Soleimani M, Myagmar BE, Lovett DH, Simpson PC, Ratcliffe MB, Baker AJ. Myofilament dysfunction contributes to impaired myocardial contraction in the infarct border zone. Volume 307 of Issue 8. American journal of physiology. Heart and circulatory physiology 2014. PMID: 25128171

  20. Jensen BC, O'Connell TD, Simpson PC. Alpha-1-adrenergic receptors in heart failure: the adaptive arm of the cardiac response to chronic catecholamine stimulation. Journal of cardiovascular pharmacology 2014. PMID: 24145181

  21. O'Connell TD, Jensen BC, Baker AJ, Simpson PC. Cardiac alpha1-adrenergic receptors: novel aspects of expression, signaling mechanisms, physiologic function, and clinical importance. Pharmacological reviews 2013. PMID: 24368739

  22. Chu C, Thai K, Park KW, Wang P, Makwana O, Lovett DH, Simpson PC, Baker AJ. Intraventricular and interventricular cellular heterogeneity of inotropic responses to a(1)-adrenergic stimulation. Volume 304 of Issue 7. American journal of physiology. Heart and circulatory physiology 2013. PMID: 23355341

  23. Lam J, Simpson PC, Yang PC, Dash R. Synthesis of an in vivo MRI-detectable apoptosis probe. Journal of visualized experiments : JoVE 2012. PMID: 22871963

  24. May D, Blow MJ, Kaplan T, McCulley DJ, Jensen BC, Akiyama JA, Holt A, Plajzer-Frick I, Shoukry M, Wright C, Afzal V, Simpson PC, Rubin EM, Black BL, Bristow J, Pennacchio LA, Visel A. Large-scale discovery of enhancers from human heart tissue. Nature genetics 2011. PMID: 22138689

  25. Doze VA, Papay RS, Goldenstein BL, Gupta MK, Collette KM, Nelson BW, Lyons MJ, Davis BA, Luger EJ, Wood SG, Haselton JR, Simpson PC, Perez DM. Long-term a1A-adrenergic receptor stimulation improves synaptic plasticity, cognitive function, mood, and longevity. Molecular pharmacology 2011. PMID: 21791575

  26. López JE, Myagmar BE, Swigart PM, Montgomery MD, Haynam S, Bigos M, Rodrigo MC, Simpson PC. ß-myosin heavy chain is induced by pressure overload in a minor subpopulation of smaller mouse cardiac myocytes. Circulation research 2011. PMID: 21778428

  27. Dash R, Chung J, Chan T, Yamada M, Barral J, Nishimura D, Yang PC, Simpson PC. A molecular MRI probe to detect treatment of cardiac apoptosis in vivo. Magnetic resonance in medicine 2011. PMID: 21360750

  28. Jensen BC, O'Connell TD, Simpson PC. Alpha-1-adrenergic receptors: targets for agonist drugs to treat heart failure. Journal of molecular and cellular cardiology 2010. PMID: 21118696

  29. Jensen BC, Swigart PM, Montgomery MD, Simpson PC. Functional alpha-1B adrenergic receptors on human epicardial coronary artery endothelial cells. Naunyn-Schmiedeberg's archives of pharmacology 2010. PMID: 20857090

  30. Nigam V, Sievers HH, Jensen BC, Sier HA, Simpson PC, Srivastava D, Mohamed SA. Altered microRNAs in bicuspid aortic valve: a comparison between stenotic and insufficient valves. The Journal of heart valve disease 2010. PMID: 20845893

  31. Yeh CC, Li H, Malhotra D, Turcato S, Nicholas S, Tu R, Zhu BQ, Cha J, Swigart PM, Myagmar BE, Baker AJ, Simpson PC, Mann MJ. Distinctive ERK and p38 signaling in remote and infarcted myocardium during post-MI remodeling in the mouse. Journal of cellular biochemistry 2010. PMID: 20186881

  32. Smyth JW, Hong TT, Gao D, Vogan JM, Jensen BC, Fong TS, Simpson PC, Stainier DY, Chi NC, Shaw RM. Limited forward trafficking of connexin 43 reduces cell-cell coupling in stressed human and mouse myocardium. The Journal of clinical investigation 2009. PMID: 20038810

  33. Wang GY, Yeh CC, Jensen BC, Mann MJ, Simpson PC, Baker AJ. Heart failure switches the RV alpha1-adrenergic inotropic response from negative to positive. American journal of physiology. Heart and circulatory physiology 2009. PMID: 20035030

  34. Jensen BC, Swigart PM, Laden ME, DeMarco T, Hoopes C, Simpson PC. The alpha-1D Is the predominant alpha-1-adrenergic receptor subtype in human epicardial coronary arteries. Journal of the American College of Cardiology 2009. PMID: 19761933

  35. Jensen BC, Swigart PM, De Marco T, Hoopes C, Simpson PC. {alpha}1-Adrenergic receptor subtypes in nonfailing and failing human myocardium. Circulation. Heart failure 2009. PMID: 19919991

  36. Jensen BC, Swigart PM, Simpson PC. Ten commercial antibodies for alpha-1-adrenergic receptor subtypes are nonspecific. Naunyn-Schmiedeberg's archives of pharmacology 2008. PMID: 18989658

  37. Muramatsu I, Morishima S, Suzuki F, Yoshiki H, Anisuzzaman AS, Tanaka T, Rodrigo MC, Myagmar BE, Simpson PC. Identification of alpha 1L-adrenoceptor in mice and its abolition by alpha 1A-adrenoceptor gene knockout. British journal of pharmacology 2008. PMID: 18806813

  38. Bao X, Lu CM, Liu F, Gu Y, Dalton ND, Zhu BQ, Foster E, Chen J, Karliner JS, Ross J, Simpson PC, Ziegler MG. Epinephrine is required for normal cardiovascular responses to stress in the phenylethanolamine N-methyltransferase knockout mouse. Circulation 2007. PMID: 17698731

  39. Hosoda C, Hiroyama M, Sanbe A, Birumachi J, Kitamura T, Cotecchia S, Simpson PC, Tsujimoto G, Tanoue A. Blockade of both alpha1A- and alpha1B-adrenergic receptor subtype signaling is required to inhibit neointimal formation in the mouse femoral artery. American journal of physiology. Heart and circulatory physiology 2007. PMID: 17384126

  40. Huang Y, Wright CD, Merkwan CL, Baye NL, Liang Q, Simpson PC, O'Connell TD. An alpha1A-adrenergic-extracellular signal-regulated kinase survival signaling pathway in cardiac myocytes. Circulation 2007. PMID: 17283256

  41. O'Connell TD, Rodrigo MC, Simpson PC. Isolation and culture of adult mouse cardiac myocytes. Methods in molecular biology (Clifton, N.J.) 2007. PMID: 17172694

  42. Joho S, Ishizaka S, Sievers R, Foster E, Simpson PC, Grossman W. Left ventricular pressure-volume relationship in conscious mice. Volume 292 of Issue 1. American journal of physiology. Heart and circulatory physiology 2006. PMID: 16905597

  43. Papay R, Gaivin R, Jha A, McCune DF, McGrath JC, Rodrigo MC, Simpson PC, Doze VA, Perez DM. Localization of the mouse alpha1A-adrenergic receptor (AR) in the brain: alpha1AAR is expressed in neurons, GABAergic interneurons, and NG2 oligodendrocyte progenitors. The Journal of comparative neurology 2006. PMID: 16705673

  44. Wang GY, McCloskey DT, Turcato S, Swigart PM, Simpson PC, Baker AJ. Contrasting inotropic responses to alpha1-adrenergic receptor stimulation in left versus right ventricular myocardium. American journal of physiology. Heart and circulatory physiology 2006. PMID: 16731650

  45. O'Connell TD, Swigart PM, Rodrigo MC, Ishizaka S, Joho S, Turnbull L, Tecott LH, Baker AJ, Foster E, Grossman W, Simpson PC. Alpha1-adrenergic receptors prevent a maladaptive cardiac response to pressure overload. Volume 116 of Issue 4. The Journal of clinical investigation 2006. PMID: 16585965

  46. Turcato S, Turnbull L, Wang GY, Honbo N, Simpson PC, Karliner JS, Baker AJ. Ischemic preconditioning depends on age and gender. Basic research in cardiology 2006. PMID: 16450074

  47. Turnbull L, Zhou HZ, Swigart PM, Turcato S, Karliner JS, Conklin BR, Simpson PC, Baker AJ. Sustained preconditioning induced by cardiac transgenesis with the tetracycline transactivator. Volume 290 of Issue 3. American journal of physiology. Heart and circulatory physiology 2005. PMID: 16243914

  48. Wang GY, Bergman MR, Nguyen AP, Turcato S, Swigart PM, Rodrigo MC, Simpson PC, Karliner JS, Lovett DH, Baker AJ. Cardiac transgenic matrix metalloproteinase-2 expression directly induces impaired contractility. Volume 69 of Issue 3. Cardiovascular research 2005. PMID: 16183043

  49. Rorabaugh BR, Gaivin RJ, Papay RS, Shi T, Simpson PC, Perez DM. Both alpha(1A)- and alpha(1B)-adrenergic receptors crosstalk to down regulate beta(1)-ARs in mouse heart: coupling to differential PTX-sensitive pathways. Journal of molecular and cellular cardiology 2005. PMID: 16171811

  50. McCloskey DT, Turnbull L, Swigart PM, Zambon AC, Turcato S, Joho S, Grossman W, Conklin BR, Simpson PC, Baker AJ. Cardiac transgenesis with the tetracycline transactivator changes myocardial function and gene expression. Volume 22 of Issue 1. Physiological genomics 2005. PMID: 15797971

  51. Rorabaugh BR, Ross SA, Gaivin RJ, Papay RS, McCune DF, Simpson PC, Perez DM. alpha1A- but not alpha1B-adrenergic receptors precondition the ischemic heart by a staurosporine-sensitive, chelerythrine-insensitive mechanism. Cardiovascular research 2005. PMID: 15639483

  52. Okoshi MP, Yan X, Okoshi K, Nakayama M, Schuldt AJ, O'Connell TD, Simpson PC, Lorell BH. Aldosterone directly stimulates cardiac myocyte hypertrophy. Journal of cardiac failure 2004. PMID: 15599842

  53. Ishizaka S, Sievers RE, Zhu BQ, Rodrigo MC, Joho S, Foster E, Simpson PC, Grossman W. New technique for measurement of left ventricular pressure in conscious mice. Volume 286 of Issue 3. American journal of physiology. Heart and circulatory physiology 2003. PMID: 14563661

  54. McCloskey DT, Turnbull L, Swigart P, O'Connell TD, Simpson PC, Baker AJ. Abnormal myocardial contraction in alpha(1A)- and alpha(1B)-adrenoceptor double-knockout mice. Journal of molecular and cellular cardiology 2003. PMID: 14519431

  55. Rapp JH, Pan XM, Yu B, Swanson RA, Higashida RT, Simpson P, Saloner D. Cerebral ischemia and infarction from atheroemboli <100 microm in Size. Stroke 2003. PMID: 12855822

  56. O'Connell TD, Ishizaka S, Nakamura A, Swigart PM, Rodrigo MC, Simpson GL, Cotecchia S, Rokosh DG, Grossman W, Foster E, Simpson PC. The alpha(1A/C)- and alpha(1B)-adrenergic receptors are required for physiological cardiac hypertrophy in the double-knockout mouse. Volume 111 of Issue 11. The Journal of clinical investigation 2003. PMID: 12782680

  57. McLean BG, Lee KS, Simpson PC, Farrance IK. Basal and alpha1-adrenergic-induced activity of minimal rat betaMHC promoters in cardiac myocytes requires multiple TEF-1 but not NFAT binding sites. Journal of molecular and cellular cardiology 2003. PMID: 12738228

  58. Gilman AG, Simon MI, Bourne HR, Harris BA, Long R, Ross EM, Stull JT, Taussig R, Bourne HR, Arkin AP, Cobb MH, Cyster JG, Devreotes PN, Ferrell JE, Fruman D, Gold M, Weiss A, Stull JT, Berridge MJ, Cantley LC, Catterall WA, Coughlin SR, Olson EN, Smith TF, Brugge JS, Botstein D, Dixon JE, Hunter T, Lefkowitz RJ, Pawson AJ, Sternberg PW, Varmus H, Subramaniam S, Sinkovits RS, Li J, Mock D, Ning Y, Saunders B, Sternweis PC, Hilgemann D, Scheuermann RH, DeCamp D, Hsueh R, Lin KM, Ni Y, Seaman WE, Simpson PC, O'Connell TD, Roach T, Simon MI, Choi S, Eversole-Cire P, Fraser I, Mumby MC, Zhao Y, Brekken D, Shu H, Meyer T, Chandy G, Heo WD, Liou J, O'Rourke N, Verghese M, Mumby SM, Han H, Brown HA, Forrester JS, Ivanova P, Milne SB, Casey PJ, Harden TK, Arkin AP, Doyle J, Gray ML, Meyer T, Michnick S, Schmidt MA, Toner M, Tsien RY, Natarajan M, Ranganathan R, Sambrano GR. Overview of the Alliance for Cellular Signaling. Nature 2002. PMID: 12478301

  59. Turnbull L, McCloskey DT, O'Connell TD, Simpson PC, Baker AJ. Alpha 1-adrenergic receptor responses in alpha 1AB-AR knockout mouse hearts suggest the presence of alpha 1D-AR. American journal of physiology. Heart and circulatory physiology 2002. PMID: 12595294

  60. McCloskey DT, Rokosh DG, O'Connell TD, Keung EC, Simpson PC, Baker AJ. Alpha(1)-adrenoceptor subtypes mediate negative inotropy in myocardium from alpha(1A/C)-knockout and wild type mice. Journal of molecular and cellular cardiology 2002. PMID: 12234770

  61. Rokosh DG, Simpson PC. Knockout of the alpha 1A/C-adrenergic receptor subtype: the alpha 1A/C is expressed in resistance arteries and is required to maintain arterial blood pressure. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 2002. PMID: 12093905

  62. Kinugawa K, Yonekura K, Ribeiro RC, Eto Y, Aoyagi T, Baxter JD, Camacho SA, Bristow MR, Long CS, Simpson PC. Regulation of thyroid hormone receptor isoforms in physiological and pathological cardiac hypertrophy. Circulation research 2001. PMID: 11577024

  63. Nakamura A, Rokosh DG, Paccanaro M, Yee RR, Simpson PC, Grossman W, Foster E. LV systolic performance improves with development of hypertrophy after transverse aortic constriction in mice. American journal of physiology. Heart and circulatory physiology 2001. PMID: 11514276

  64. Baker AJ, Redfern CH, Harwood MD, Simpson PC, Conklin BR. Abnormal contraction caused by expression of G(i)-coupled receptor in transgenic model of dilated cardiomyopathy. Volume 280 of Issue 4. American journal of physiology. Heart and circulatory physiology 2001. PMID: 11247776

  65. Zuzarte PC, Farrance IK, Simpson PC, Wildeman AG. Tumor cell splice variants of the transcription factor TEF-1 induced by SV40 T-antigen transformation. Biochimica et biophysica acta 2000. PMID: 11118619

  66. Deng XF, Rokosh DG, Simpson PC. Autonomous and growth factor-induced hypertrophy in cultured neonatal mouse cardiac myocytes. Comparison with rat. Circulation research 2000. PMID: 11055982

  67. Yue P, Long CS, Austin R, Chang KC, Simpson PC, Massie BM. Post-infarction heart failure in the rat is associated with distinct alterations in cardiac myocyte molecular phenotype. Journal of molecular and cellular cardiology 1998. PMID: 9737947

  68. Yue P, Massie BM, Simpson PC, Long CS. Cytokine expression increases in nonmyocytes from rats with postinfarction heart failure. The American journal of physiology 1998. PMID: 9688921

  69. Chang KC, Figueredo VM, Schreur JH, Kariya K, Weiner MW, Simpson PC, Camacho SA. Thyroid hormone improves function and Ca2+ handling in pressure overload hypertrophy. Association with increased sarcoplasmic reticulum Ca2+-ATPase and alpha-myosin heavy chain in rat hearts. The Journal of clinical investigation 1997. PMID: 9312172

  70. Stewart AF, Rokosh DG, Bailey BA, Karns LR, Chang KC, Long CS, Kariya K, Simpson PC. Cloning of the rat alpha 1C-adrenergic receptor from cardiac myocytes. alpha 1C, alpha 1B, and alpha 1D mRNAs are present in cardiac myocytes but not in cardiac fibroblasts. Circulation research 1994. PMID: 7923624

  71. Rokosh DG, Bailey BA, Stewart AF, Karns LR, Long CS, Simpson PC. Distribution of alpha 1C-adrenergic receptor mRNA in adult rat tissues by RNase protection assay and comparison with alpha 1B and alpha 1D. Biochemical and biophysical research communications 1994. PMID: 8185565

  72. Long CS, Hartogensis WE, Simpson PC. Beta-adrenergic stimulation of cardiac non-myocytes augments the growth-promoting activity of non-myocyte conditioned medium. Journal of molecular and cellular cardiology 1993. PMID: 7505339

  73. Long CS, Kariya K, Karns L, Simpson PC. Sympathetic modulation of the cardiac myocyte phenotype: studies with a cell-culture model of myocardial hypertrophy. Basic research in cardiology 1992. PMID: 1338564

  74. Long CS, Henrich CJ, Simpson PC. A growth factor for cardiac myocytes is produced by cardiac nonmyocytes. Cell regulation 1991. PMID: 1801925

  75. Simpson PC, Kariya K, Karns LR, Long CS, Karliner JS. Adrenergic hormones and control of cardiac myocyte growth. Molecular and cellular biochemistry 1991. PMID: 1656195

  76. Long CS, Kariya K, Karns L, Simpson PC. Sympathetic activity: modulator of myocardial hypertrophy. Journal of cardiovascular pharmacology 1991. PMID: 1715479

  77. Long CS, Kariya K, Karns L, Simpson PC. Trophic factors for cardiac myocytes. Journal of hypertension. Supplement : official journal of the International Society of Hypertension 1990. PMID: 1965655

  78. Mochly-Rosen D, Henrich CJ, Cheever L, Khaner H, Simpson PC. A protein kinase C isozyme is translocated to cytoskeletal elements on activation. Cell regulation 1990. PMID: 2078573

  79. Simpson PC, Long CS, Waspe LE, Henrich CJ, Ordahl CP. Transcription of early developmental isogenes in cardiac myocyte hypertrophy. Journal of molecular and cellular cardiology 1989. PMID: 2560798

  80. Long CS, Ordahl CP, Simpson PC. Alpha 1-adrenergic receptor stimulation of sarcomeric actin isogene transcription in hypertrophy of cultured rat heart muscle cells. The Journal of clinical investigation 1989. PMID: 2537847

  81. Simpson PC. Proto-oncogenes and cardiac hypertrophy. Annual review of physiology 1989. PMID: 2469381

  82. Karliner JS, Simpson PC. Beta-adrenoceptor and adenylate cyclase regulation in cardiac myocyte growth. Basic research in cardiology 1988. PMID: 2851972

  83. Simpson PC. Role of proto-oncogenes in myocardial hypertrophy. The American journal of cardiology 1988. PMID: 2972186

  84. Bishopric NH, Simpson PC, Ordahl CP. Induction of the skeletal alpha-actin gene in alpha 1-adrenoceptor-mediated hypertrophy of rat cardiac myocytes. The Journal of clinical investigation 1987. PMID: 2821075

  85. Starksen NF, Simpson PC, Bishopric N, Coughlin SR, Lee WM, Escobedo JA, Williams LT. Cardiac myocyte hypertrophy is associated with c-myc protooncogene expression. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 1986. PMID: 3022291

  86. Karliner JS, Simpson PC, Honbo N, Woloszyn W. Mechanisms and time course of beta 1 adrenoceptor desensitisation in mammalian cardiac myocytes. Cardiovascular research 1986. PMID: 3011269

  87. Karliner JS, Simpson PC, Taylor JE, Honbo N, Woloszyn W. Adrenergic receptor characteristics of cardiac myocytes cultured in serum-free medium: comparison with serum-supplemented medium. Biochemical and biophysical research communications 1985. PMID: 3985976

  88. Inouye IK, Massie BM, Benowitz N, Simpson P, Loge D. Antihypertensive therapy with diltiazem and comparison with hydrochlorothiazide. The American journal of cardiology 1984. PMID: 6375339

  89. Inouye I, Massie B, Benowitz N, Simpson P, Loge D, Topic N. Monotherapy in mild to moderate hypertension: comparison of hydrochlorothiazide, propranolol and prazosin. The American journal of cardiology 1984. PMID: 6320622

  90. Inouye I, Massie B, Loge D, Topic N, Silverstein D, Simpson P, Tubau J. Abnormal left ventricular filling: an early finding in mild to moderate systemic hypertension. The American journal of cardiology 1984. PMID: 6691248

  91. Simpson P. Norepinephrine-stimulated hypertrophy of cultured rat myocardial cells is an alpha 1 adrenergic response. The Journal of clinical investigation 1983. PMID: 6135712

  92. Simpson P, McGrath A, Savion S. Myocyte hypertrophy in neonatal rat heart cultures and its regulation by serum and by catecholamines. Circulation research 1982. PMID: 6216022

  93. Godwin JD, Axel L, Adams JR, Schiller NB, Simpson PC, Gertz EW. Computed tomography: a new method for diagnosing tumor of the heart. Circulation 1981. PMID: 7449067

  94. McGee R, Simpson P, Christian C, Mata M, Nelson P, Nirenberg M. Regulation of acetylcholine release from neuroblastoma x glioma hybrid cells. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 1978. PMID: 206894

  95. Sherman WR, Simpson PC, Goodwin SL. scyllo-inositol and myo-inositol levels in tissues of the skate Raja erinacea. Comparative biochemistry and physiology. B, Comparative biochemistry 1978. PMID: 318234

  96. Birnberger AC, Birnberger KL, Eliasson SG, Simpson PC. Effect of cyanide and electrical stimulation on phosphoinositide metabolism in lobster nerves. Journal of neurochemistry 1971. PMID: 4330289

  97. Sherman WR, Stewart MA, Simpson PC, Goodwin SL. The identification of myo-inosose-2 and scyllo-inositol in mammalian tissues. Biochemistry 1968. PMID: 5644141