Sophie Patzek, MD
Assistant Clinical Professor
Sobhani NC, Killion M, Patzek S. Use of Open-Source Automated Insulin Delivery Systems in Pregnancies With Type 1 Diabetes. Journal of diabetes science and technology 2023. PMID: 37062960
Patzek S, Liu Z, de la O S, Chang S, Byrnes LE, Zhang X, Ornitz DM, Sneddon JB. Loss of Fgf9 in mice leads to pancreatic hypoplasia and asplenia. iScience 2023. PMID: 37096042
Patzek S, MacMaster HW, Rov-Ikpah E, San Luis C, Johnson C, Juttukonda V, Rushakoff RJ. Automated Self-Adjusting Subcutaneous Insulin Algorithm for Patients NPO or on TPN or Enteral Feedings. Journal of diabetes science and technology 2020. PMID: 32783464
Kim S, Patzek S. Teprotumumab for Active Thyroid Eye Disease. The New England journal of medicine 2020. PMID: 32402170
Patzek S, Sneddon JB. Beta Living through Alpha Cells. Volume 24 of Issue 4. Cell stem cell 2019. PMID: 30951656
Chu JN, Goglin S, Patzek S, Brondfield S. Granulomatosis with Polyangiitis Presenting as Hypophysitis. The American journal of medicine 2018. PMID: 30240681
Bikle DD, Patzek S, Wang Y. Physiologic and pathophysiologic roles of extra renal CYP27b1: Case report and review. Bone reports 2018. PMID: 29963603
Feingold KR, Shigenaga JK, Kazemi MR, McDonald CM, Patzek SM, Cross AS, Moser A, Grunfeld C. Mechanisms of triglyceride accumulation in activated macrophages. Volume 92 of Issue 4. Journal of leukocyte biology 2012. PMID: 22753953
Feingold KR, Grunfeld C, Heuer JG, Gupta A, Cramer M, Zhang T, Shigenaga JK, Patzek SM, Chan ZW, Moser A, Bina H, Kharitonenkov A. FGF21 is increased by inflammatory stimuli and protects leptin-deficient ob/ob mice from the toxicity of sepsis. Volume 153 of Issue 6. Endocrinology 2012. PMID: 22474187
Feingold KR, Shigenaga JK, Patzek SM, Chui LG, Moser A, Grunfeld C. Endotoxin, zymosan, and cytokines decrease the expression of the transcription factor, carbohydrate response element binding protein, and its target genes. Volume 17 of Issue 2. Innate immunity 2010. PMID: 20100709
Lee GA, Schwarz JM, Patzek S, Kim S, Dyachenko A, Wen M, Mulligan K, Schambelan M, Grunfeld C. The acute effects of HIV protease inhibitors on insulin suppression of glucose production in healthy HIV-negative men. Volume 52 of Issue 2. Journal of acquired immune deficiency syndromes (1999) 2009. PMID: 19680131
Feingold KR, Kazemi MR, Magra AL, McDonald CM, Chui LG, Shigenaga JK, Patzek SM, Chan ZW, Londos C, Grunfeld C. ADRP/ADFP and Mal1 expression are increased in macrophages treated with TLR agonists. Volume 209 of Issue 1. Atherosclerosis 2009. PMID: 19748622
Feingold KR, Moser A, Patzek SM, Shigenaga JK, Grunfeld C. Infection decreases fatty acid oxidation and nuclear hormone receptors in the diaphragm. Volume 50 of Issue 10. Journal of lipid research 2009. PMID: 19443862
Dassah M, Patzek S, Hunt VM, Medina PE, Zahler AM. A genetic screen for suppressors of a mutated 5' splice site identifies factors associated with later steps of spliceosome assembly. Volume 182 of Issue 3. Genetics 2009. PMID: 19380478
Feingold KR, Moser AH, Shigenaga JK, Patzek SM, Grunfeld C. Inflammation stimulates the expression of PCSK9. Volume 374 of Issue 2. Biochemical and biophysical research communications 2008. PMID: 18638454