Starley Shade, PhD, MPH


PHD, 12/2006 - Epidemiology, University of California, Berkeley
MPH, 05/1996 - Epidemiology/Biostatistics, University of California, Berkeley
BA, 06/1983 - Political Science, University of Chicago
  1. Zachary Arochi Kwena, Elizabeth A Bukusi, Linet Ongeri, Starley B Shade, Maya Vijayaraghavan, Francesca A Odhiambo, Cirilus O Ogala, Craig R Cohen, Peter Magati, Yvonne A Olando, Greshon Rota, Purba Chatterjee, Christine A Osula, Jerry J Nutor, Stella S Bialous. Understanding HIV care providers’ support for tobacco cessation among people living with HIV in Western Kenya: a formative qualitative study. BMJ public health 2024. PMID:

  2. Kwena ZA, Oketch BA, Beres LK, Lewis-Kulzer J, Akama EO, Sang NM, Adhiambo HF, Iguna S, Ontuga GM, Nyandieka E, Shade S, Bukusi EA, Geng E, Abuogi LL. User-informed tailoring of electronic and in-person peer navigation strategies to improve retention in HIV care for adolescents and young adults: a qualitative inquiry. AIDS care 2024. PMID: 38838007

  3. Christian C, Kakande E, Nahurira V, Balzer LB, Owaraganise A, Nugent JR, DiIeso W, Rast D, Kabami J, Peretz JJ, Camlin CS, Shade SB, Kamya MR, Havlir DV, Chamie G. The effect of an intervention to promote isoniazid preventive therapy on leadership and management abilities. Public health action 2024. PMID: 38957498

  4. Shade SB, Gutin SA, Agnew E, Grignon JS, Gilmore H, Ratlhagana MJ, Sumitani J, Steward WT, Lippman SA. Cost Analysis of Short Messaging Service and Peer Navigator Interventions for Linking and Retaining Adults Recently Diagnosed With HIV in Care in South Africa. Journal of acquired immune deficiency syndromes (1999) 2024. PMID: 38489491

  5. Christian C, Kakande E, Nahurira V, Akatukwasa C, Atwine F, Bakanoma R, Itiakorit H, Owaraganise A, DiIeso W, Rast D, Kabami J, Peretz JJ, Shade SB, Kamya MR, Havlir DV, Chamie G, Camlin CS. Mid-level managers' perspectives on implementing isoniazid preventive therapy for people living with HIV in Ugandan health districts: a qualitative study. BMC health services research 2024. PMID: 38454501

  6. Hill Weller L, Rubinsky AD, Shade SB, Liu F, Cheng I, Lopez G, Robertson A, Smith J, Dang K, Leiva C, Rubin S, Martinez SM, Bibbins-Domingo K, Morris MD. Lessons learned from implementing a diversity, equity, and inclusion curriculum for health research professionals at a large academic research institution. Journal of Clinical and Translational Science 2024. PMID: 38384906

  7. Appa A, McMahan VM, Long K, Shade SB, Coffin PO. Stimulant use and opioid-related harm in patients on long-term opioids for chronic pain. Drug and alcohol dependence 2023. PMID: 38245963

  8. Goldman ML, McDaniel M, Manjanatha D, Rose ML, Santos GM, Shade SB, Lazar AA, Myers JJ, Handley MA, Coffin PO. Impact of San Francisco's New Street crisis response Team on Service use among people experiencing homelessness with mental and substance use disorders: A mixed methods study protocol. PloS one 2023. PMID: 38051726

  9. Lippman SA, Libby MK, Nakphong MK, Arons A, Balanoff M, Mocello AR, Arnold EA, Shade SB, Qurashi F, Downing A, Moore A, Dow WH, Lightfoot MA. A guaranteed income intervention to improve the health and financial well-being of low-income black emerging adults: study protocol for the Black Economic Equity Movement randomized controlled crossover trial. Frontiers in public health 2023. PMID: 38026401

  10. Koss CA, Ayieko J, Kabami J, Balzer LB, Kakande E, Sunday H, Nyabuti M, Wafula E, Shade S, Biira E, Opel F, Atuhaire HN, Okochi H, Ogachi S, Gandhi M, Bacon MC, Bukusi EA, Chamie G, Petersen ML, Kamya MR, Havlir DV, SEARCH study team. Dynamic choice HIV prevention intervention at outpatient departments in rural Kenya and Uganda: a randomized trial. AIDS (London, England) 2023. PMID: 37861683

  11. Sebastian Kevany, Starley Shade, Chloe Waters, Nancy Puttkammer. Implementation of Kenya Electronic Medical Records (KenyaEMR): Costs and Efficiencies. Science Journal of Public Health 2023. PMID:

  12. Thomas MD, Vittinghoff E, Koester KA, Dahiya P, Riano NS, Cournos F, Dawson L, Olfson M, Pinals DA, Crystal S, Walkup J, Shade S, Mangurian C, Arnold EA. Examining the Impact of State-Level Factors on HIV Testing for Medicaid Enrollees with Schizophrenia. Journal of acquired immune deficiency syndromes (1999) 2023. PMID: 37229531

  13. Ruel T, Mwangwa F, Balzer LB, Ayieko J, Nyabuti M, Mugoma WE, Kabami J, Kamugisha B, Black D, Nzarubara B, Opel F, Schrom J, Agengo G, Nakigudde J, Atuhaire HN, Schwab J, Peng J, Camlin C, Shade SB, Bukusi E, Kapogiannis BG, Charlebois E, Kamya MR, Havlir D. A multilevel health system intervention for virological suppression in adolescents and young adults living with HIV in rural Kenya and Uganda (SEARCH-Youth): a cluster randomised trial. The lancet. HIV 2023. PMID: 37541706

  14. Bourdeau B, Shade SB, Koester KA, Rebchook GM, Steward WT, Agins BM, Myers JJ, Phan SH, Matosky M. Rapid start antiretroviral therapies for improved engagement in HIV care: implementation science evaluation protocol. BMC health services research 2023. PMID: 37198586

  15. Grinsztejn B, Torres TS, Hoagland B, Jalil EM, Moreira RI, O'Malley G, Shade SB, Benedetti MR, Moreira J, Simpson K, Pimenta MC, Veloso VG, ImPrEP CAB-Brasil Study Team. Long-Acting Injectable Cabotegravir for HIV Preexposure Prophylaxis Among Sexual and Gender Minorities: Protocol for an Implementation Study. JMIR public health and surveillance 2023. PMID: 37074775

  16. Jaradeh K, Van Fleet Kingery T, Cheruiyot J, Odhiambo F, Bukusi EA, Cohen CR, Shade SB. Cost comparison of a rapid results initiative against standard clinic-based model to scale-up voluntary medical male circumcision in Kenya. PLOS Global Public Health 2023. PMID: 36989245

  17. Geng EH, Odeny TA, Montoya LM, Iguna S, Kulzer JL, Adhiambo HF, Eshun-Wilson I, Akama E, Nyandieka E, Guzé MA, Shade S, Packel L, Fox B, Camlin C, Thirumurthy H, Lyons C, Bukusi EA, Petersen ML. Adaptive Strategies for Retention in Care among Persons Living with HIV. NEJM Evidence 2023. PMID: 38143482

  18. Abuogi LL, Kulzer JL, Akama E, Odeny TA, Eshun-Wilson I, Petersen M, Shade SB, Montoya LM, Beres LK, Iguna S, Adhiambo HF, Osoro J, Opondo I, Sang N, Kwena Z, Bukusi EA, Geng E. Adapt for adolescents: Protocol for a sequential multiple assignment randomized trial to improve retention and viral suppression among adolescents and young adults living with HIV in Kenya. Contemporary clinical trials 2023. PMID: 36813086

  19. Hahn JA, Kevany S, Emenyonu NI, Sanyu N, Katusiime A, Muyindike WR, Fatch R, Shade SB. Costs of a Brief Alcohol Consumption Reduction Intervention for Persons Living with HIV in Southwestern Uganda: Comparisons of Live Versus Automated Cell Phone-Based Booster Components. AIDS and behavior 2023. PMID: 36807244

  20. Leslie HH, Mooney AC, Gilmore HJ, Agnew E, Grignon JS, deKadt J, Shade SB, Ratlhagana MJ, Sumitani J, Barnhart S, Steward WT, Lippman SA. Prevalence, motivation, and outcomes of clinic transfer in a clinical cohort of people living with HIV in North West Province, South Africa. BMC health services research 2022. PMID: 36572869

  21. Atukunda M, Kabami J, Mutungi G, Twinamatsiko B, Nangendo J, Shade SB, Charlebois E, Grosskurth H, Kamya M, Okello E. Rationale and design of leveraging the HIV platform for hypertension control in Africa: protocol of a cluster-randomised controlled trial in Uganda. BMJ open 2022. PMID: 36600388

  22. Lippman SA, Dekadt J, Ratlhagana MJ, Agnew E, Gilmore H, Sumitani J, Grignon J, Gutin SA, Shade SB, Gilvydis J, Tumbo J, Barnhart S, Steward WT. Impact of SMS and Peer Navigation on linkage to care and ART initiation in South Africa: secondary results from a three-arm cluster randomized controlled trial. AIDS (London, England) 2022. PMID: 36468499

  23. Cohen CR, Weke E, Frongillo EA, Sheira LA, Burger R, Mocello AR, Wekesa P, Fisher M, Scow K, Thirumurthy H, Dworkin SL, Shade SB, Butler LM, Bukusi EA, Weiser SD. Effect of a Multisectoral Agricultural Intervention on HIV Health Outcomes Among Adults in Kenya: A Cluster Randomized Clinical Trial. JAMA network open 2022. PMID: 36508217

  24. Rebchook GM, Chakravarty D, Xavier JM, Keatley JG, Maiorana A, Sevelius J, Shade SB, SPNS Transgender Women of Color Study Group. An evaluation of nine culturally tailored interventions designed to enhance engagement in HIV care among transgender women of colour in the United States. Journal of the International AIDS Society 2022. PMID: 36225153

  25. Kakande E, Christian C, Balzer LB, Owaraganise A, Nugent JR, DiIeso W, Rast D, Kabami J, Johnson Peretz J, Camlin CS, Shade SB, Geng EH, Kwarisiima D, Kamya MR, Havlir DV, Chamie G. A mid-level health manager intervention to promote uptake of isoniazid preventive therapy among people with HIV in Uganda: a cluster randomised trial. The lancet. HIV 2022. PMID: 35908553

  26. Jakubowski A, Kabami J, Balzer LB, Ayieko J, Charlebois ED, Owaraganise A, Marquez C, Clark TD, Black D, Shade SB, Chamie G, Cohen CR, Bukusi EA, Kamya MR, Petersen M, Havlir DV, Thirumurthy H. Effect of universal HIV testing and treatment on socioeconomic wellbeing in rural Kenya and Uganda: a cluster-randomised controlled trial. 2022. PMID: 34919862

  27. Gutin SA, Harper GW, Moshashane N, Ramontshonyana K, Stephenson R, Shade SB, Harries J, Mmeje O, Ramogola-Masire D, Morroni C. Relationship, partner factors and stigma are associated with safer conception information, motivation, and behavioral skills among women living with HIV in Botswana. 2021. PMID: 34879845

  28. Steward WT, Agnew E, de Kadt J, Ratlhagana MJ, Sumitani J, Gilmore HJ, Grignon J, Shade SB, Tumbo J, Barnhart S, Lippman SA. Impact of SMS and peer navigation on retention in HIV care among adults in South Africa: results of a three-arm cluster randomized controlled trial. Journal of the International AIDS Society 2021. PMID: 34435440

  29. Sevelius J, Chakravarty D, Neilands TB, Keatley J, Shade SB, Johnson MO, Rebchook G. Evidence for the Model of Gender Affirmation: The Role of Gender Affirmation and Healthcare Empowerment in Viral Suppression Among Transgender Women of Color Living with HIV. AIDS and behavior 2019. PMID: 31144131

  30. Sevelius JM, Xavier J, Chakravarty D, Keatley J, Shade S, Rebchook G, SPNS Transgender Women of Color Study Group. Correlates of Engagement in HIV Care Among Transgender Women of Color in the United States of America. AIDS and behavior 2021. PMID: 34037930

  31. Shade SB, Kirby VB, Stephens S, Moran L, Charlebois ED, Xavier J, Cajina A, Steward WT, Myers JJ. Outcomes and costs of publicly funded patient navigation interventions to enhance HIV care continuum outcomes in the United States: A before-and-after study. PLoS medicine 2021. PMID: 33983925

  32. Shade SB, Osmand T, Kwarisiima D, Brown LB, Luo A, Mwebaza B, Mwesigye AR, Kwizera E, Imukeka H, Mwanga F, Ayieko J, Owaraganise A, Bukusi EA, Cohen CR, Charlebois ED, Black D, Clark TD, Petersen ML, Kamya MR, Havlir DV, Jain V. Costs of integrating hypertension care into HIV care in rural East African clinics. AIDS (London, England) 2021. PMID: 33821821

  33. Okoko N, Mocello AR, Kadima J, Kulzer J, Nyanaro G, Blat C, Guzé M, Bukusi EA, Cohen CR, Abuogi L, Shade SB. Improvements in pediatric and adolescent HIV testing and identification in western Kenya under the Accelerating Children's HIV/AIDS Treatment initiative. AIDS care 2021. PMID: 33813954

  34. Bourdeau B, Shade S, Koester K, Rebchook G, Dawson-Rose C, Guzé M, Psihopaidas D, Cohen SM, Myers J. Implementation Science Protocol: evaluating evidence-informed interventions to improve care for people with HIV seen in Ryan White HIV/AIDS program settings. AIDS care 2021. PMID: 33427484

  35. Steward WT, Koester KA, Guzé MA, Kirby VB, Fuller SM, Moran ME, Botta EW, Gaffney S, Heath CD, Bromer S, Shade SB. Practice transformations to optimize the delivery of HIV primary care in community healthcare settings in the United States: A program implementation study. PLoS medicine 2020. PMID: 32214312

  36. Havlir DV, Balzer LB, Charlebois ED, Clark TD, Kwarisiima D, Ayieko J, Kabami J, Sang N, Liegler T, Chamie G, Camlin CS, Jain V, Kadede K, Atukunda M, Ruel T, Shade SB, Ssemmondo E, Byonanebye DM, Mwangwa F, Owaraganise A, Olilo W, Black D, Snyman K, Burger R, Getahun M, Achando J, Awuonda B, Nakato H, Kironde J, Okiror S, Thirumurthy H, Koss C, Brown L, Marquez C, Schwab J, Lavoy G, Plenty A, Mugoma Wafula E, Omanya P, Chen YH, Rooney JF, Bacon M, van der Laan M, Cohen CR, Bukusi E, Kamya MR, Petersen M. HIV Testing and Treatment with the Use of a Community Health Approach in Rural Africa. The New England journal of medicine 2019. PMID: 31314966

  37. Lippman SA, El Ayadi AM, Grignon JS, Puren A, Liegler T, Venter WDF, Ratlhagana MJ, Morris JL, Naidoo E, Agnew E, Barnhart S, Shade SB. Improvements in the South African HIV care cascade: findings on 90-90-90 targets from successive population-representative surveys in North West Province. Journal of the International AIDS Society 2019. PMID: 31190460

  38. Mmeje O, Njoroge B, Wekesa P, Murage A, Ondondo RO, van der Poel S, Guzé MA, Shade SB, Bukusi EA, Cohan D, Cohen CR. Empowering HIV-infected women in low-resource settings: A pilot study evaluating a patient-centered HIV prevention strategy for reproduction in Kisumu, Kenya. PloS one 2019. PMID: 30840672

  39. Shade SB, Osmand T, Luo A, Aine R, Assurah E, Mwebaza B, Mwai D, Owaraganise A, Mwangwa F, Ayieko J, Black D, Brown LB, Clark TD, Kwarisiima D, Thirumurthy H, Cohen CR, Bukusi EA, Charlebois ED, Balzer L, Kamya MR, Petersen ML, Havlir DV, Jain V. Costs of streamlined HIV care delivery in rural Ugandan and Kenyan clinics in the search study. AIDS (London, England) 2018. PMID: 30134294

  40. Mooney AC, Campbell CK, Ratlhagana MJ, Grignon JS, Mazibuko S, Agnew E, Gilmore H, Barnhart S, Puren A, Shade SB, Liegler T, Lippman SA. Beyond Social Desirability Bias: Investigating Inconsistencies in Self-Reported HIV Testing and Treatment Behaviors Among HIV-Positive Adults in North West Province, South Africa. AIDS and behavior 2018. PMID: 29779162

  41. Jakubowski A, Snyman K, Kwarisiima D, Sang N, Burger R, Balzer L, Clark T, Chamie G, Shade S, Cohen C, Bukusi E, Charlebois E, Kamya M, Petersen M, Havlir D, Thirumurthy H. High CD4 counts associated with better economic outcomes for HIV-positive adults and their HIV-negative household members in the SEARCH Trial. PloS one 2018. PMID: 29944678

  42. Hahn JA, Cheng DM, Emenyonu NI, Lloyd-Travaglini C, Fatch R, Shade SB, Ngabirano C, Adong J, Bryant K, Muyindike WR, Samet JH. Alcohol Use and HIV Disease Progression in an Antiretroviral Naive Cohort. Volume 77 of Issue 5. Journal of acquired immune deficiency syndromes (1999) 2018. PMID: 29303844

  43. Cohen CR, Grossman D, Onono M, Blat C, Newmann SJ, Burger RL, Shade SB, Bett N, Bukusi EA. Integration of family planning services into HIV care clinics: Results one year after a cluster randomized controlled trial in Kenya. Volume 12 of Issue 3. PloS one 2017. PMID: 28328966

  44. Lane T, Osmand T, Marr A, Struthers H, McIntyre JA, Shade SB. Brief Report: High HIV Incidence in a South African Community of Men Who Have Sex With Men: Results From the Mpumalanga Men's Study, 2012-2015. Volume 73 of Issue 5. Journal of acquired immune deficiency syndromes (1999) 2016. PMID: 27851715

  45. Hochgesang M, Zamudio-Haas S, Moran L, Nhampossa L, Packel L, Leslie H, Richards J, Shade SB. Scaling-up health information systems to improve HIV treatment: An assessment of initial patient monitoring systems in Mozambique. Volume 97. International journal of medical informatics 2016. PMID: 27919390

  46. Lippman SA, Shade SB, El Ayadi AM, Gilvydis JM, Grignon JS, Liegler T, Morris J, Naidoo E, Prach LM, Puren A, Barnhart S. Attrition and Opportunities Along the HIV Care Continuum: Findings From a Population-Based Sample, North West Province, South Africa. Volume 73 of Issue 1. Journal of acquired immune deficiency syndromes (1999) 2016. PMID: 27082505

  47. Kibaara C, Blat C, Lewis-Kulzer J, Shade S, Mbullo P, Cohen CR, Bukusi EA. Treatment Buddies Improve Clinic Attendance among Women but Not Men on Antiretroviral Therapy in the Nyanza Region of Kenya. Volume 2016. AIDS research and treatment 2016. PMID: 27092271

  48. Lippman SA, Shade SB, Sumitani J, DeKadt J, Gilvydis JM, Ratlhagana MJ, Grignon J, Tumbo J, Gilmore H, Agnew E, Saberi P, Barnhart S, Steward WT. Evaluation of short message service and peer navigation to improve engagement in HIV care in South Africa: study protocol for a three-arm cluster randomized controlled trial. Volume 17. Trials 2016. PMID: 26852237

  49. Patel RC, Onono M, Gandhi M, Blat C, Hagey J, Shade SB, Vittinghoff E, Bukusi EA, Newmann SJ, Cohen CR. Pregnancy rates in HIV-positive women using contraceptives and efavirenz-based or nevirapine-based antiretroviral therapy in Kenya: a retrospective cohort study. Volume 2 of Issue 11. The lancet. HIV 2015. PMID: 26520927

  50. Washington S, Owuor K, Turan JM, Steinfeld RL, Onono M, Shade SB, Bukusi EA, Ackers ML, Cohen CR. Implementation and Operational Research: Effect of Integration of HIV Care and Treatment Into Antenatal Care Clinics on Mother-to-Child HIV Transmission and Maternal Outcomes in Nyanza, Kenya: Results From the SHAIP Cluster Randomized Controlled Trial. Volume 69 of Issue 5. Journal of acquired immune deficiency syndromes (1999) 2015. PMID: 25886930

  51. Turan JM, Onono M, Steinfeld RL, Shade SB, Owuor K, Washington S, Bukusi EA, Ackers ML, Kioko J, Interis EC, Cohen CR. Implementation and Operational Research: Effects of Antenatal Care and HIV Treatment Integration on Elements of the PMTCT Cascade: Results From the SHAIP Cluster-Randomized Controlled Trial in Kenya. Volume 69 of Issue 5. Journal of acquired immune deficiency syndromes (1999) 2015. PMID: 25967269

  52. Hickey MD, Salmen CR, Omollo D, Mattah B, Fiorella KJ, Geng EH, Bacchetti P, Blat C, Ouma GB, Zoughbie D, Tessler RA, Salmen MR, Campbell H, Gandhi M, Shade S, Njoroge B, Bukusi EA, Cohen CR. Implementation and Operational Research: Pulling the Network Together: Quasiexperimental Trial of a Patient-Defined Support Network Intervention for Promoting Engagement in HIV Care and Medication Adherence on Mfangano Island, Kenya. Volume 69 of Issue 4. Journal of acquired immune deficiency syndromes (1999) 2015. PMID: 25984711

  53. Onono M, Guzé MA, Grossman D, Steinfeld R, Bukusi EA, Shade S, Cohen CR, Newmann SJ. Integrating family planning and HIV services in western Kenya: the impact on HIV-infected patients' knowledge of family planning and male attitudes toward family planning. Volume 27 of Issue 6. AIDS care 2015. PMID: 25634244

  54. Lane T, Osmand T, Marr A, Shade SB, Dunkle K, Sandfort T, Struthers H, Kegeles S, McIntyre JA. The Mpumalanga Men's Study (MPMS): results of a baseline biological and behavioral HIV surveillance survey in two MSM communities in South Africa. Volume 9 of Issue 11. PloS one 2014. PMID: 25401785

  55. Gutin SA, Namusoke F, Shade SB, Mirembe F. Fertility desires and intentions among HIV-positive women during the post-natal period in Uganda. African journal of reproductive health 2014. PMID: 25508042

  56. Gutin SA, Namusoke F, Shade SB, Mirembe F. Fertility desires and intentions among HIV-positive women during the post-natal period in Uganda. Volume 18 of Issue 3. African journal of reproductive health 2014. PMID: 25438511

  57. Shade SB, Steward WT, Koester KA, Chakravarty D, Myers JJ. Health information technology interventions enhance care completion, engagement in HIV care and treatment, and viral suppression among HIV-infected patients in publicly funded settings. Volume 22 of Issue e1. Journal of the American Medical Informatics Association : JAMIA 2014. PMID: 25030033

  58. Deutsch MB, Keatley J, Sevelius J, Shade SB. Collection of gender identity data using electronic medical records: survey of current end-user practices. Volume 25 of Issue 6. The Journal of the Association of Nurses in AIDS Care : JANAC 2014. PMID: 24880490

  59. Meyer M, Elmer-DeWitt M, Blat C, Shade SB, Kapule I, Bukusi E, Cohen CR, Abuogi L. Evaluation and Utility of a Family Information Table to Identify and Test Children at Risk for HIV in Kenya. Volume 2 of Issue 2. International journal of MCH and AIDS 2014. PMID: 27621978

  60. Das M, Christopoulos KA, Geckeler D, Huriaux E, Cohen SE, Philip S, Shade S, Moss NJ, Morin SF, Charlebois ED. Linkage to HIV care in San Francisco: implications of measure selection. Volume 64 Suppl 1. Journal of acquired immune deficiency syndromes (1999) 2013. PMID: 24126446

  61. Shade SB, Kevany S, Onono M, Ochieng G, Steinfeld RL, Grossman D, Newmann SJ, Blat C, Bukusi EA, Cohen CR. Cost, cost-efficiency and cost-effectiveness of integrated family planning and HIV services. Volume 27 Suppl 1. AIDS (London, England) 2013. PMID: 24088688

  62. Abuogi LL, Mwachari C, Leslie HH, Shade SB, Otieno J, Yienya N, Sanguli L, Amukoye E, Cohen CR. Impact of expanded antiretroviral use on incidence and prevalence of tuberculosis in children with HIV in Kenya. Volume 17 of Issue 10. The international journal of tuberculosis and lung disease : the official journal of the International Union against Tuberculosis and Lung Disease 2013. PMID: 24025380

  63. Grossman D, Onono M, Newmann SJ, Blat C, Bukusi EA, Shade SB, Steinfeld RL, Cohen CR. Integration of family planning services into HIV care and treatment in Kenya: a cluster-randomized trial. Volume 27 Suppl 1. AIDS (London, England) 2013. PMID: 24088687

  64. Newmann SJ, Grossman D, Blat C, Onono M, Steinfeld R, Bukusi EA, Shade S, Cohen CR. Does integrating family planning into HIV care and treatment impact intention to use contraception? Patient perspectives from HIV-infected individuals in Nyanza Province, Kenya. Volume 123 Suppl 1. International journal of gynaecology and obstetrics: the official organ of the International Federation of Gynaecology and Obstetrics 2013. PMID: 24008310

  65. Kevany S, Woelk G, Shade SB, Kulich M, Turan JM, Chingono A, Morin SF. Risk Factors for Physical Domestic Violence in a High-Prevalence HIV Setting: Findings from Project Accept Baseline Data (HPTN-043). Volume 4 of Issue 1. Journal of public health in Africa 2013. PMID: 28299090

  66. Odeny TA, Penner J, Lewis-Kulzer J, Leslie HH, Shade SB, Adero W, Kioko J, Cohen CR, Bukusi EA. Integration of HIV Care with Primary Health Care Services: Effect on Patient Satisfaction and Stigma in Rural Kenya. Volume 2013. AIDS research and treatment 2013. PMID: 23738055

  67. Myers JJ, Kang Dufour MS, Koester KA, Rose CD, Shade SB, Maiorana A, Morin SF. Helping clinicians deliver consistent HIV prevention counseling to their HIV-infected patients. Volume 25 of Issue 5. AIDS care 2012. PMID: 22970975

  68. Turan JM, Steinfeld RL, Onono M, Bukusi EA, Woods M, Shade SB, Washington S, Marima R, Penner J, Ackers ML, Mbori-Ngacha D, Cohen CR. The study of HIV and antenatal care integration in pregnancy in Kenya: design, methods, and baseline results of a cluster-randomized controlled trial. Volume 7 of Issue 9. PloS one 2012. PMID: 22970177

  69. Shade SB, Sackett N, Khamarko K, Koester KA, Bie J, Newberry J, Beal J, Culyba R, Jacobson K, Kinder A, Nusser J, Myers JJ. Quality of comprehensive HIV care in underserved communities: does clinical training lead to improvement. Volume 28 of Issue 2. American journal of medical quality : the official journal of the American College of Medical Quality 2012. PMID: 22892826

  70. Koester KA, Maiorana A, Morin SF, Rose CD, Shade S, Myers JJ. People living with HIV are receptive to HIV prevention interventions in clinical settings: a qualitative evaluation. Volume 24 of Issue 4. AIDS education and prevention : official publication of the International Society for AIDS Education 2012. PMID: 22827900

  71. Shade SB, Chakravarty D, Koester KA, Steward WT, Myers JJ. Health information exchange interventions can enhance quality and continuity of HIV care. Volume 81 of Issue 10. International journal of medical informatics 2012. PMID: 22854158

  72. Myers JJ, Koester KA, Chakravarty D, Pearson C, Maiorana A, Shade SB, Steward WT. Perceptions regarding the ease of use and usefulness of health information exchange systems among medical providers, case managers and non-clinical staff members working in HIV care and community settings. Volume 81 of Issue 10. International journal of medical informatics 2012. PMID: 22854159

  73. Hatcher AM, Turan JM, Leslie HH, Kanya LW, Kwena Z, Johnson MO, Shade SB, Bukusi EA, Doyen A, Cohen CR. Predictors of linkage to care following community-based HIV counseling and testing in rural Kenya. Volume 16 of Issue 5. AIDS and behavior 2012. PMID: 22020756

  74. Maiorana A, Steward WT, Koester KA, Pearson C, Shade SB, Chakravarty D, Myers JJ. Trust, confidentiality, and the acceptability of sharing HIV-related patient data: lessons learned from a mixed methods study about Health Information Exchanges. Volume 7. Implementation science : IS 2012. PMID: 22515736

  75. Dillabaugh LL, Lewis Kulzer J, Owuor K, Ndege V, Oyanga A, Ngugi E, Shade SB, Bukusi E, Cohen CR. Towards Elimination of Mother-to-Child Transmission of HIV: The Impact of a Rapid Results Initiative in Nyanza Province, Kenya. Volume 2012. AIDS research and treatment 2012. PMID: 22548155

  76. Maiorana A, Koester KA, Myers JJ, Lloyd KC, Shade SB, Dawson-Rose C, Morin SF. Helping patients talk about HIV: inclusion of messages on disclosure in prevention with positives interventions in clinical settings. Volume 24 of Issue 2. AIDS education and prevention : official publication of the International Society for AIDS Education 2012. PMID: 22468977

  77. Lewis Kulzer J, Penner JA, Marima R, Oyaro P, Oyanga AO, Shade SB, Blat CC, Nyabiage L, Mwachari CW, Muttai HC, Bukusi EA, Cohen CR. Family model of HIV care and treatment: a retrospective study in Kenya. Volume 15 of Issue 1. Journal of the International AIDS Society 2012. PMID: 22353553

  78. Rose CD, Koester KA, Kang Dufour MS, Myers JJ, Shade SB, McCready K, Morin S. Messages HIV clinicians use in prevention with positives interventions. Volume 24 of Issue 6. AIDS care 2012. PMID: 22299672

  79. Carrico AW, Pollack LM, Stall RD, Shade SB, Neilands TB, Rice TM, Woods WJ, Moskowitz JT. Psychological processes and stimulant use among men who have sex with men. Volume 123 of Issue 1-3. Drug and alcohol dependence 2011. PMID: 22088656

  80. Abrams DI, Couey P, Shade SB, Kelly ME, Benowitz NL. Cannabinoid-opioid interaction in chronic pain. Volume 90 of Issue 6. Clinical pharmacology and therapeutics 2011. PMID: 22048225

  81. Abrams DI, Couey P, Shade SB, Kelly ME, Kamanu-Elias N, Stamets P. Antihyperlipidemic effects of Pleurotus ostreatus (oyster mushrooms) in HIV-infected individuals taking antiretroviral therapy. Volume 11. BMC complementary and alternative medicine 2011. PMID: 21831304

  82. Marseille E, Shade SB, Myers J, Morin S. The cost-effectiveness of HIV prevention interventions for HIV-infected patients seen in clinical settings. Volume 56 of Issue 3. Journal of acquired immune deficiency syndromes (1999) 2011. PMID: 21317579

  83. Rose CD, Courtenay-Quirk C, Knight K, Shade SB, Vittinghoff E, Gomez C, Lum PJ, Bacon O, Colfax G. HIV intervention for providers study: a randomized controlled trial of a clinician-delivered HIV risk-reduction intervention for HIV-positive people. Volume 55 of Issue 5. Journal of acquired immune deficiency syndromes (1999) 2010. PMID: 20827218

  84. Knowlton AR, Arnsten JH, Eldred LJ, Wilkinson JD, Shade SB, Bohnert AS, Yang C, Wissow LS, Purcell DW. Antiretroviral use among active injection-drug users: the role of patient-provider engagement and structural factors. Volume 24 of Issue 7. AIDS patient care and STDs 2010. PMID: 20578910

  85. Morin SF, Shade SB, Steward WT, Carrico AW, Remien RH, Rotheram-Borus MJ, Kelly JA, Charlebois ED, Johnson MO, Chesney MA. A behavioral intervention reduces HIV transmission risk by promoting sustained serosorting practices among HIV-infected men who have sex with men. Volume 49 of Issue 5. Journal of acquired immune deficiency syndromes (1999) 2008. PMID: 18989221

  86. McMenamin SB, Halpin HA, Shade SB. Trends in employer-sponsored health insurance coverage for tobacco-dependence treatments. Volume 35 of Issue 4. American journal of preventive medicine 2008. PMID: 18692982

  87. Lane T, Shade SB, McIntyre J, Morin SF. Alcohol and sexual risk behavior among men who have sex with men in South african township communities. Volume 12 of Issue 4 Suppl. AIDS and behavior 2008. PMID: 18392672

  88. Halpin HA, McMenamin SB, Shade SB. The demand for health insurance coverage for tobacco dependence treatments: support for a benefit mandate and willingness to pay. Volume 9 of Issue 12. Nicotine & tobacco research : official journal of the Society for Research on Nicotine and Tobacco 2007. PMID: 18058345

  89. Wilkinson JD, Zhao W, Arnsten JH, Knowlton AR, Mizuno Y, Shade SB, Gourevitch MN, Santibanez S, Metsch LR. Longitudinal correlates of health care-seeking behaviors among HIV-seropositive injection drug users: how can we intervene to improve health care utilization? Volume 46 Suppl 2. Journal of acquired immune deficiency syndromes (1999) 2007. PMID: 18089981

  90. Knight KR, Shade SB, Purcell DW, Rose CD, Metsch LR, Latka MH, Latkin CA, Gómez CA. Sexual transmission risk behavior reported among behaviorally bisexual HIV-positive injection drug-using men. Volume 46 Suppl 2. Journal of acquired immune deficiency syndromes (1999) 2007. PMID: 18089988

  91. Myers JJ, Rose CD, Shade SB, Koester KA, Maiorana A, Malitz F, Steward WT, Morin SF. Sex, risk and responsibility: provider attitudes and beliefs predict HIV transmission risk prevention counseling in clinical care settings. Volume 11 of Issue 5 Suppl. AIDS and behavior 2007. PMID: 17594138

  92. Morin SF, Myers JJ, Shade SB, Koester K, Maiorana A, Rose CD. Predicting HIV transmission risk among HIV-infected patients seen in clinical settings. Volume 11 of Issue 5 Suppl. AIDS and behavior 2007. PMID: 17577655

  93. Abrams DI, Vizoso HP, Shade SB, Jay C, Kelly ME, Benowitz NL. Vaporization as a smokeless cannabis delivery system: a pilot study. Volume 82 of Issue 5. Clinical pharmacology and therapeutics 2007. PMID: 17429350

  94. Abrams DI, Jay CA, Shade SB, Vizoso H, Reda H, Press S, Kelly ME, Rowbotham MC, Petersen KL. Cannabis in painful HIV-associated sensory neuropathy: a randomized placebo-controlled trial. Volume 68 of Issue 7. Neurology 2007. PMID: 17296917

  95. Donald I. Abrams, Starley B. Shade, Paul Couey, Joseph M. Mccune, Joan Lo, Peter Bacchetti, Barbara Chang, Lorrie Epling, Teri Liegler, Robert M. Grant. Dehydroepiandrosterone (DHEA) Effects on HIV Replication and Host Immunity A Randomized Placebo-Controlled Study. AIDS research and human retroviruses 2007. PMID:

  96. Abrams DI, Shade SB, Couey P, McCune JM, Lo J, Bacchetti P, Chang B, Epling L, Liegler T, Grant RM. Dehydroepiandrosterone (DHEA) effects on HIV replication and host immunity: a randomized placebo-controlled study. Volume 23 of Issue 1. AIDS research and human retroviruses 2007. PMID: 17263636

  97. Knowlton A, Arnsten J, Eldred L, Wilkinson J, Gourevitch M, Shade S, Dowling K, Purcell D. Individual, interpersonal, and structural correlates of effective HAART use among urban active injection drug users. Volume 41 of Issue 4. Journal of acquired immune deficiency syndromes (1999) 2006. PMID: 16652058

  98. Koh AS, Gómez CA, Shade S, Rowley E. Sexual risk factors among self-identified lesbians, bisexual women, and heterosexual women accessing primary care settings. Volume 32 of Issue 9. Sexually transmitted diseases 2005. PMID: 16118605

  99. Behler C, Shade S, Gregory K, Abrams D, Volberding P. Anemia and HIV in the antiretroviral era: potential significance of testosterone. Volume 21 of Issue 3. AIDS research and human retroviruses 2005. PMID: 15795525

  100. Caroline M. Behler, Starley B. Shade, Kellan Gregory, Donald I. Abrams, Paul A. Volberding. Anemia and HIV in the Antiretroviral Era: Potential Significance of Testosterone. Blood 2004. PMID:

  101. Hunt PW, Deeks SG, Rodriguez B, Valdez H, Shade SB, Abrams DI, Kitahata MM, Krone M, Neilands TB, Brand RJ, Lederman MM, Martin JN. Continued CD4 cell count increases in HIV-infected adults experiencing 4 years of viral suppression on antiretroviral therapy. Volume 17 of Issue 13. AIDS (London, England) 2003. PMID: 12960823

  102. Abrams DI, Hilton JF, Leiser RJ, Shade SB, Elbeik TA, Aweeka FT, Benowitz NL, Bredt BM, Kosel B, Aberg JA, Deeks SG, Mitchell TF, Mulligan K, Bacchetti P, McCune JM, Schambelan M. Short-term effects of cannabinoids in patients with HIV-1 infection: a randomized, placebo-controlled clinical trial. Volume 139 of Issue 4. Annals of internal medicine 2003. PMID: 12965981

  103. Bredt BM, Higuera-Alhino D, Shade SB, Hebert SJ, McCune JM, Abrams DI. Short-term effects of cannabinoids on immune phenotype and function in HIV-1-infected patients. Volume 42 of Issue S1. Journal of clinical pharmacology 2002. PMID: 12412840

  104. Kosel BW, Aweeka FT, Benowitz NL, Shade SB, Hilton JF, Lizak PS, Abrams DI. The effects of cannabinoids on the pharmacokinetics of indinavir and nelfinavir. Volume 16 of Issue 4. AIDS (London, England) 2002. PMID: 11872997

  105. Gordon NP, Shade SB. Advance directives are more likely among seniors asked about end-of-life care preferences. Volume 159 of Issue 7. Archives of internal medicine 1999. PMID: 10218749

  106. Molnar BE, Shade SB, Kral AH, Booth RE, Watters JK. Suicidal behavior and sexual/physical abuse among street youth. Volume 22 of Issue 3. Child abuse & neglect 1998. PMID: 9589175

  107. Everson SA, Lynch JW, Chesney MA, Kaplan GA, Goldberg DE, Shade SB, Cohen RD, Salonen R, Salonen JT. Interaction of workplace demands and cardiovascular reactivity in progression of carotid atherosclerosis: population based study. Volume 314 of Issue 7080. BMJ (Clinical research ed.) 1997. PMID: 9055713