Tom Bersot, MD, PhD


Residency, - School of Medicine, University of California, San Francisco
  1. Schwarz JM, Noworolski SM, Wen MJ, Dyachenko A, Prior JL, Weinberg ME, Herraiz LA, Tai VW, Bergeron N, Bersot TP, Rao MN, Schambelan M, Mulligan K. Effect of a High-Fructose Weight-Maintaining Diet on Lipogenesis and Liver Fat. The Journal of clinical endocrinology and metabolism 2015. PMID: 25825943

  2. Grundy SM, Arai H, Barter P, Bersot TP, Betteridge DJ, Carmena R, Cuevas A, Davidson MH, Genest J, Kesäniemi YA, Sadikot S, Santos RD, Susekov A, Sy R, Tokgozoglu L, Watts GF, Zhao D. [Official document of the International Society of Atherosclerosis: general recommendations for treatment of dyslipidemia. Executive summary]. Clinica e investigacion en arteriosclerosis : publicacion oficial de la Sociedad Espanola de Arteriosclerosis 2013. PMID: 24169377

  3. Can AS, Yildiz EA, Samur G, Rakicioglu N, Pekcan G, Ozbayrakçi S, Palaoglu KE, Gönen M, Bersot TP. Optimal waist:height ratio cut-off point for cardiometabolic risk factors in Turkish adults. Public health nutrition 2009. PMID: 19781128

  4. Ling H, Waterworth DM, Stirnadel HA, Pollin TI, Barter PJ, Kesäniemi YA, Mahley RW, McPherson R, Waeber G, Bersot TP, Cohen JC, Grundy SM, Mooser VE, Mitchell BD. Genome-wide linkage and association analyses to identify genes influencing adiponectin levels: the GEMS Study. Obesity (Silver Spring, Md.) 2009. PMID: 19165155

  5. Can AS, Bersot TP, Gönen M, Pekcan G, Rakicioglu N, Samur G, Yildiz EA. Anthropometric indices and their relationship with cardiometabolic risk factors in a sample of Turkish adults. Public health nutrition 2008. PMID: 18489811

  6. Stirnadel H, Lin X, Ling H, Song K, Barter P, Kesäniemi YA, Mahley R, McPherson R, Waeber G, Bersot T, Cohen J, Grundy S, Mitchell B, Mooser V, Waterworth D. Genetic and phenotypic architecture of metabolic syndrome-associated components in dyslipidemic and normolipidemic subjects: the GEMS Study. Atherosclerosis 2007. PMID: 17888929

  7. Barter P, McPherson YR, Song K, Kesäniemi YA, Mahley R, Waeber G, Bersot T, Mooser V, Waterworth D, Grundy SM. Serum insulin and inflammatory markers in overweight individuals with and without dyslipidemia. The Journal of clinical endocrinology and metabolism 2007. PMID: 17389699

  8. Bersot T, Haffner S, Harris WS, Kellick KA, Morris CM. Hypertriglyceridemia: management of atherogenic dyslipidemia. The Journal of family practice 2006. PMID: 16822443

  9. Mahley RW, Bersot TP. High density lipoprotein cholesterol in coronary artery patients: is it as low as expected? Anadolu kardiyoloji dergisi : AKD = the Anatolian journal of cardiology 2006. PMID: 16524816

  10. Mahley RW, Can S, Ozbayrakçi S, Bersot TP, Tanir S, Palaoglu KE, Pépin GM. Modulation of high-density lipoproteins in a population in istanbul, Turkey, with low levels of high-density lipoproteins. The American journal of cardiology 2005. PMID: 16098310

  11. Yu Y, Wyszynski DF, Waterworth DM, Wilton SD, Barter PJ, Kesäniemi YA, Mahley RW, McPherson R, Waeber G, Bersot TP, Ma Q, Sharma SS, Montgomery DS, Middleton LT, Sundseth SS, Mooser V, Grundy SM, Farrer LA. Multiple QTLs influencing triglyceride and HDL and total cholesterol levels identified in families with atherogenic dyslipidemia. Journal of lipid research 2005. PMID: 16061952

  12. Wyszynski DF, Waterworth DM, Barter PJ, Cohen J, Kesäniemi YA, Mahley RW, McPherson R, Waeber G, Bersot TP, Sharma SS, Nolan V, Middleton LT, Sundseth SS, Farrer LA, Mooser V, Grundy SM. Relation between atherogenic dyslipidemia and the Adult Treatment Program-III definition of metabolic syndrome (Genetic Epidemiology of Metabolic Syndrome Project). The American journal of cardiology 2005. PMID: 15642551

  13. Bersot TP, Pépin GM, Mahley RW. Risk determination of dyslipidemia in populations characterized by low levels of high-density lipoprotein cholesterol. American heart journal 2003. PMID: 14660998

  14. Raffaï RL, McPherson R, Weisgraber KH, Innerarity TL, Rassart E, Bersot TP, Milne RW. Antibody phenotyping test for the human apolipoprotein E2 isoform. Clinical chemistry 2003. PMID: 12928236

  15. Bersot TP, Palaoglu KE, Mahley RW. Managing dyslipidemia in Turkey: suggested guidelines for a population characterized by low levels of high density lipoprotein cholesterol. Anadolu kardiyoloji dergisi : AKD = the Anatolian journal of cardiology 2002. PMID: 12460830

  16. Shohet RV, Vega GL, Bersot TP, Mahley RW, Grundy SM, Guerra R, Cohen JC. Sources of variability in genetic association studies: insights from the analysis of hepatic lipase (LIPC). Human mutation 2002. PMID: 11968086

  17. Mahley RW, Arslan P, Pekcan G, Pépin GM, Agaçdiken A, Karaagoglu N, Rakicioglu N, Nursal B, Dayanikli P, Palaoglu KE, Bersot TP. Plasma lipids in Turkish children: impact of puberty, socioeconomic status, and nutrition on plasma cholesterol and HDL. Journal of lipid research 2001. PMID: 11734572

  18. Bersot TP, Vega GL, Grundy SM, Palaoglu KE, Atagündüz P, Ozbayrakçi S, Gökdemir O, Mahley RW. Elevated hepatic lipase activity and low levels of high density lipoprotein in a normotriglyceridemic, nonobese Turkish population. Journal of lipid research 1999. PMID: 10064731

  19. Vega GL, Gao J, Bersot TP, Mahley RW, Verstraete R, Grundy SM, White A, Cohen JC. The -514 polymorphism in the hepatic lipase gene (LIPC) does not influence androgen-mediated stimulation of hepatic lipase activity. Journal of lipid research 1998. PMID: 9684756

  20. Bersot TP, Russell SJ, Thatcher SR, Pomernacki NK, Mahley RW, Weisgraber KH, Innerarity TL, Fox CS. A unique haplotype of the apolipoprotein B-100 allele associated with familial defective apolipoprotein B-100 in a Chinese man discovered during a study of the prevalence of this disorder. Journal of lipid research 1993. PMID: 8371062

  21. Innerarity TL, Mahley RW, Weisgraber KH, Bersot TP, Krauss RM, Vega GL, Grundy SM, Friedl W, Davignon J, McCarthy BJ. Familial defective apolipoprotein B-100: a mutation of apolipoprotein B that causes hypercholesterolemia. Journal of lipid research 1990. PMID: 2280177

  22. Rall SC, Newhouse YM, Clarke HR, Weisgraber KH, McCarthy BJ, Mahley RW, Bersot TP. Type III hyperlipoproteinemia associated with apolipoprotein E phenotype E3/3. Structure and genetics of an apolipoprotein E3 variant. The Journal of clinical investigation 1989. PMID: 2539388

  23. Bersot TP, Innerarity TL, Pitas RE, Rall SC, Weisgraber KH, Mahley RW. Fat feeding in humans induces lipoproteins of density less than 1.006 that are enriched in apolipoprotein [a] and that cause lipid accumulation in macrophages. The Journal of clinical investigation 1986. PMID: 2935560

  24. Innerarity TL, Hui DY, Bersot TP, Mahley RW. Type III hyperlipoproteinemia: a focus on lipoprotein receptor-apolipoprotein E2 interactions. Advances in experimental medicine and biology 1986. PMID: 3026150

  25. Cheng CF, Bensadoun A, Bersot T, Hsu JS, Melford KH. Purification and characterization of human lipoprotein lipase and hepatic triglyceride lipase. Reactivity with monoclonal antibodies to hepatic triglyceride lipase. The Journal of biological chemistry 1985. PMID: 4030767

  26. Innerarity TL, Bersot TP, Arnold KS, Weisgraber KH, Davis PA, Forte TM, Mahley RW. Receptor binding activity of high-density lipoproteins containing apoprotein E from abetalipoproteinemic and normal neonate plasma. Metabolism: clinical and experimental 1984. PMID: 6319954

  27. Rall SC, Weisgraber KH, Innerarity TL, Bersot TP, Mahley RW, Blum CB. Identification of a new structural variant of human apolipoprotein E, E2(Lys146 leads to Gln), in a type III hyperlipoproteinemic subject with the E3/2 phenotype. The Journal of clinical investigation 1983. PMID: 6313758

  28. Havel RJ, Kotite L, Kane JP, Tun P, Bersot T. Atypical familial dysbetalipoproteinemia associated with apolipoprotein phenotype E3/3. The Journal of clinical investigation 1983. PMID: 6860421

  29. Weisgraber KH, Rall SC, Bersot TP, Mahley RW, Franceschini G, Sirtori CR. Apolipoprotein A-IMilano. Detection of normal A-I in affected subjects and evidence for a cysteine for arginine substitution in the variant A-I. The Journal of biological chemistry 1983. PMID: 6401735

  30. Weisgraber KH, Bersot TP, Mahley RW, Franceschini G, Sirtori CR. A-Imilano apoprotein. Isolation and characterization of a cysteine-containing variant of the A-I apoprotein from human high density lipoproteins. The Journal of clinical investigation 1980. PMID: 6776144

  31. Weisgraber KH, Bersot TP, Mahley RW. Isolation and characterization of an apoprotein from the d less than 1.006 lipoproteins of human and canine lymph homologous with the rat A-IV apoprotein. Biochemical and biophysical research communications 1978. PMID: 217374

  32. Mahley RW, Innerarity TL, Bersot TP, Lipson A, Margolis S. Alterations in human high-density lipoproteins, with or without increased plasma-cholesterol, induced by diets high in cholesterol. Lancet (London, England) 1978. PMID: 81362

  33. Bersot TP, Mahley RW, Brown MS, Goldstein JL. Interaction of swine lipoproteins with the low density lipoprotein receptor in human fibroblasts. The Journal of biological chemistry 1976. PMID: 177413

  34. Herbert PN, Windmueller HG, Bersot TP, Shulman RS. Characterization of the rat apolipoproteins. I. The low molecular weight proteins of rat plasma high density lipoproteins. The Journal of biological chemistry 1974. PMID: 4369853

  35. Mahley RW, Bersot TP, LeQuire VS, Levy RI, Windmueller HG, Brown WV. Identity of very low density lipoprotein apoproteins of plasma and liver Golgi apparatus. Science (New York, N.Y.) 1970. PMID: 4985196