
Department of Medicine faculty members published more than 3,000 peer-reviewed articles in 2022.

Journal of Crohn's and Colitis


Authors: S Lin, J Wang, P Mukherjee, R Mao, G West, D Czarnecki, S Zhao, M Elias, Q T Nguyen, J Chandra, T H N Le, M H Chen, D Dejanovic, S Holubar, M Olman, B Southern, S Hu, I O Gordon, K Atabai, C Fiocchi, F Rieder

The journals of gerontology. Series A, Biological sciences and medical sciences


Authors: Moored KD, Qiao YS, Rosso AL, Toledo FGS, Cawthon PM, Cummings SR, Goodpaster BH, Kritchevsky SB, Glynn NW

Nature microbiology


Authors: Kincer LP, Joseph SB, Gilleece MM, Hauser BM, Sizemore S, Zhou S, Di Germanio C, Zetterberg H, Fuchs D, Deeks SG, Spudich S, Gisslen M, Price RW, Swanstrom R

Journal of general internal medicine


Authors: Chau AJ, Sudore RL, Hays RD, Tseng CH, Walling AM, Rahimi M, Gibbs L, Patel K, Sanz Vidorreta FJ, Wenger NS

JAMA internal medicine


Authors: Romero K, Widera E, Wachterman MW

Arthritis & rheumatology (Hoboken, N.J.)


Authors: Adams C, Nair N, Plant D, Verstappen SMM, Quach HL, Quach DL, Carvidi A, Nititham J, Nakamura M, Graf J, Barton A, Criswell LA, Barcellos LF

JAMA pediatrics


Authors: Virudachalam S, Kim LS, Seligman H

The Canadian journal of cardiology


Authors: Barnett CF, Brusca SB, Hanff TC, Blumer V, Kaliff A, Kanwar M

Journal of general internal medicine


Authors: Nyarko-Odoom A, Lisha NE, Yank V, Kotwal A, Balogun S, Huang AJ



Authors: Ahiawodzi P, Solaru KW, Chaves PHM, Ix JH, Kizer JR, Tracy RP, Newman A, Siscovick D, Djousse L, Mukamal KJ