BMC geriatrics
Authors: Mellinger TJ, Forester BP, Vogeli C, Donelan K, Gulla J, Vetter M, Vienneau M, Ritchie CS
Journal of thoracic oncology : official publication of the International Association for the Study of Lung Cancer
Authors: Kim DW, Kim SW, Camidge DR, Shu CA, Marrone KA, Le X, Blakely CM, Park K, Chang GC, Patel SP, Kar G, Cooper ZA, Samadani R, Pluta M, Kumar R, Ramalingam S
Molecular & cellular proteomics : MCP
Authors: Calses PC, Pham VC, Guarnaccia AD, Choi M, Verschueren E, Bakker ST, Pham TH, Hinkle T, Liu C, Chang MT, Kljavin N, Bakalarski C, Haley B, Zou J, Yan C, Song X, Lin X, Rowntree R, Ashworth A, Dey A, Lill JR
European journal of preventive cardiology
Authors: Matsushita K, Kaptoge S, Hageman SHJ, Sang Y, Ballew SH, Grams ME, Surapaneni A, Sun L, Arnlov J, Bozic M, Brenner H, Brunskill NJ, Chang AR, Chinnadurai R, Cirillo M, Correa A, Ebert N, Eckardt KU, Gansevoort RT, Gutierrez O, Hadaegh F, He J, Hwang SJ, Jafar TH, Jassal SK, Kayama T, Kovesdy CP, Landman GW, Levey AS, Lloyd-Jones DM, Major RW, Miura K, Muntner P, Nadkarni GN, Nowak C, Ohkubo T, Pena MJ, Polkinghorne KR, Sairenchi T, Schaeffner E, Schneider MP, Shalev V, Shlipak MG, Solbu MD, Stempniewicz N, Tollitt J, Valdivielso JM, van der Leeuw J, Wang AY, Wen CP, Woodward M, Yamagishi K, Yatsuya H, Zhang L, Dorresteijn JAN, Di Angelantonio E, Visseren FLJ, Pennells L, Coresh J
Journal of clinical virology plus
Authors: Greene SE, Huang Y, Kim W, Liebeskind MJ, Chandrasekaran V, Liu Z, Deepak P, Paley MA, Lew D, Yang M, Matloubian M, Gensler LS, Nakamura MC, O'Hallaran JA, Presti RM, Whelan SPJ, Buchser WJ, Kim AHJ, Weil GJ
Global implementation research and applications
Authors: Abascal Miguel L, Christian C, Accurso EC, Najmabadi A, Athavale P, Diala JA, Sachdev D, Philip S, Reid MJ, Handley MA
Journal of acquired immune deficiency syndromes (1999)
Authors: Stoner MCD, Browne EN, Kabudula C, Rosenberg M, Gomez-Olive FX, Neilands TB, Kang Dufour MS, Ahern J, Kahn K, Lippman SA, Pettifor AE
AIDS and behavior
Authors: Camp CE, Chan CT, Saberi P
American journal of nephrology
Authors: Chen TK, Coca SG, Thiessen-Philbrook HR, Heerspink HJL, Obeid W, Ix J, Fried L, Bonventre JV, El-Khoury JM, Shlipak MG, Parikh CR
The Journal of investigative dermatology
Authors: Kim RW, An Y, Zukley L, Ferrucci L, Mauro T, Yaffe K, Resnick SM, Abuabara K