
Department of Medicine faculty members published more than 3,000 peer-reviewed articles in 2022.

Journal of Parkinson's disease


Authors: Dorsey ER, Zafar M, Lettenberger SE, Pawlik ME, Kinel D, Frissen M, Schneider RB, Kieburtz K, Tanner CM, De Miranda BR, Goldman SM, Bloem BR

The Journal of frailty & aging


Authors: Keeney T, Flom M, Ding J, Sy M, Leung K, Kim DH, Orav J, Vogeli C, Ritchie CS

The journal of prevention of Alzheimer's disease


Authors: K?nig A, Linz N, Baykara E, Tr?ger J, Ritchie C, Saunders S, Teipel S, K?hler S, S?nchez-Benavides G, Grau-Rivera O, Gispert JD, Palmqvist S, Tideman P, Hansson O

The Journal of frailty & aging


Authors: Bauer SR, McCulloch CE, Cawthon PM, Ensrud KE, Suskind AM, Newman JC, Harrison SL, Senders A, Covinsky K, Marshall LM

The journal of nutrition, health & aging


Authors: Al-Naggar IM, Newman JC, Kuchel GA


Authors: Sandra J. Weiss, Linda S. Franck, Heather Leutwyler, Carol S. Dawson-Rose, Margaret I. Wallhagen, Sandra L. Staveski, Kord M. Kober, Christine A. Miaskowski

The journal of prevention of Alzheimer's disease


Authors: Gardner RC, Barnes DE, Li Y, Boscardin J, Peltz C, Yaffe K

Journal of the International Association of Providers of AIDS Care


Authors: Stanton AM, Hornstein BD, Musinguzi N, Dolotina B, Orrell C, Amanyire G, Asiimwe S, Cross A, Psaros C, Bangsberg D, Hahn JA, Haberer JE, Matthews LT, META Study Team

Inquiry : a journal of medical care organization, provision and financing


Authors: Nickerson A, Gutierrez-Mock L, Buback L, Welty S, Anicete LM, Sanchez S, Enanoria WTA, Reid M