
Department of Medicine faculty members published more than 3,000 peer-reviewed articles in 2022.

Cell stem cell


Authors: Pantazis CB, Yang A, Lara E, McDonough JA, Blauwendraat C, Peng L, Oguro H, Kanaujiya J, Zou J, Sebesta D, Pratt G, Cross E, Blockwick J, Buxton P, Kinner-Bibeau L, Medura C, Tompkins C, Hughes S, Santiana M, Faghri F, Nalls MA, Vitale D, Ballard S, Qi YA, Ramos DM, Anderson KM, Stadler J, Narayan P, Papademetriou J, Reilly L, Nelson MP, Aggarwal S, Rosen LU, Kirwan P, Pisupati V, Coon SL, Scholz SW, Priebe T, ?ttl M, Dong J, Meijer M, Janssen LJM, Lourenco VS, van der Kant R, Crusius D, Paquet D, Raulin AC, Bu G, Held A, Wainger BJ, Gabriele RMC, Casey JM, Wray S, Abu-Bonsrah D, Parish CL, Beccari MS, Cleveland DW, Li E, Rose IVL, Kampmann M, Calatayud Aristoy C, Verstreken P, Heinrich L, Chen MY, Sch?le B, Dou D, Holzbaur ELF, Zanellati MC, Basundra R, Deshmukh M, Cohen S, Khanna R, Raman M, Nevin ZS, Matia M, Van Lent J, Timmerman V, Conklin BR, Johnson Chase K, Zhang K, Funes S, Bosco DA, Erlebach L, Welzer M, Kronenberg-Versteeg D, Lyu G, Arenas E, Coccia E, Sarrafha L, Ahfeldt T, Marioni JC, Skarnes WC, Cookson MR, Ward ME, Merkle FT

Journal of the National Comprehensive Cancer Network : JNCCN


Authors: Tempero M

AIDS patient care and STDs


Authors: Turan B, Budhwani H, Yigit I, Ofotokun I, Konkle-Parker DJ, Cohen MH, Wingood GM, Metsch LR, Adimora AA, Taylor TN, Wilson TE, Weiser SD, Kempf MC, Brown-Friday J, Gange S, Kassaye S, Pence BW, Turan JM

JAMA network open


Authors: Cohen CR, Weke E, Frongillo EA, Sheira LA, Burger R, Mocello AR, Wekesa P, Fisher M, Scow K, Thirumurthy H, Dworkin SL, Shade SB, Butler LM, Bukusi EA, Weiser SD

Cancer nursing


Authors: Lin Y, Bailey DE, Xiao C, Hammer M, Paul SM, Cooper BA, Conley YP, Levine JD, Kober KM, Miaskowski C

Journal of cancer survivorship : research and practice


Authors: Miaskowski C, Mastick J, Paul S, Wallhagen M, Abrams G, Levine JD

Journal of cardiac failure


Authors: Teerlink JR

Expert review of anticancer therapy


Authors: Bajpai J, Pathak R, Shylasree TS, Rugo HS