
Department of Medicine faculty members published more than 3,000 peer-reviewed articles in 2022.

Journal of pain and symptom management


Authors: Walling AM, Ast K, Harrison JM, Dy SM, Ersek M, Hanson LC, Kamal AH, Ritchie CS, Teno JM, Rotella JD, Periyakoil VS, Ahluwalia SC

Breast (Edinburgh, Scotland)


Authors: Rugo HS, Im SA, Joy AA, Shparyk Y, Walshe JM, Sleckman B, Loi S, Theall KP, Kim S, Huang X, Bananis E, Mahtani R, Finn RS, Di?ras V

Contemporary clinical trials


Authors: Kenfield SA, Philip EJ, Phillips SM, Meyerhardt JA, Chan JM, Atreya CE, Kim MO, Harris Q, Steiding P, Macaire G, McCullough ML, Piawah S, Johnson WY, Kurttila FA, Lewis WL, Pesmen C, Watson Y, Van Blarigan EL

World neurosurgery


Authors: Vasudevan HN, Susko MS, Ma L, Nakamura JL, Raleigh DR, Boreta L, Fogh S, Theodosopoulos PV, McDermott MW, Tsai KK, Sneed PK, Braunstein SE



Authors: Andrew H. Tam, Aaron C. Logan, Angela J. Choi, Richard Fong, Lloyd E. Damon, Rebecca L. Olin, Neil Dunavin, Peter H. Sayre, Karin L. Gaensler, Catherine Smith, Lily Yan



Authors: Fortis S, Quibrera PM, Comellas AP, Bhat SP, Tashkin DP, Hoffman EA, Criner GJ, Han MK, Barr RG, Arjomandi M, Dransfield MB, Peters SP, Dolezal BA, Kim V, Putcha N, Rennard SI, Paine R, Kanner RE, Curtis JL, Bowler RP, Martinez FJ, Hansel NN, Krishnan JA, Woodruff PG, Barjaktarevic IZ, Couper D, Anderson WH, Cooper CB, Subpopulations and Intermediate Outcome Measures in COPD Study Investigators

International journal of prisoner health


Authors: Dauria E, Clemenzi-Allen A, Nowotny K, Brinkley-Rubinstein L, Williams B, Wurcel A

López L. Patient Experiences and Health Care Quality for Veterans in VHA by Race/Ethnicity. In: Washington DL (ed). National Veteran Health Equity Report 2021. Focus on Veterans Health Administration Patient Experience and Health Care Quality. Washington



Volume 57 of Issue 8 | The Annals of pharmacotherapy


Authors: Hess R, Renner E, Mouland E, Sutter-Long D, Ha N