
Department of Medicine faculty members published more than 3,000 peer-reviewed articles in 2022.

Journal of the American Society of Echocardiography : official publication of the American Society of Echocardiography


Authors: Yogeswaran V, Singulane CC, Slivnick JA, Kirkpatrick JN, Addetia K, Lang RM, Vasbinder A, Liu JE, Maurer MS, Cheng RK

Academic medicine : journal of the Association of American Medical Colleges


Authors: Holzer H, Salib S, Wray C, Santhosh L

Frontiers in oncology


Authors: Scherrer E, Kang A, Bloudek LM, Koshkin VS

American journal of pharmaceutical education


Authors: Trinh AM, Vu TT, Gruenberg K, MacDougall C

Annals of the rheumatic diseases


Authors: Ramiro S, Nikiphorou E, Sepriano A, Ortolan A, Webers C, Baraliakos X, Landew? RBM, Van den Bosch FE, Boteva B, Bremander A, Carron P, Ciurea A, van Gaalen FA, G?her P, Gensler L, Hermann J, de Hooge M, Husakova M, Kiltz U, L?pez-Medina C, Machado PM, Marzo-Ortega H, Molto A, Navarro-Comp?n V, Nissen MJ, Pimentel-Santos FM, Poddubnyy D, Proft F, Rudwaleit M, Telkman M, Zhao SS, Ziade N, van der Heijde D

Future oncology (London, England)


Authors: Rugo HS, Cortes J, Barrios CH, Cabrera P, Xu B, Huang CS, Kim SB, Melisko M, Nanda R, Pienkowski T, Rapoport BL, Schwab R

The journal of allergy and clinical immunology. In practice


Authors: Jiang SY, Tang M, Desai K, Song P, Eng J, Otani IM

Journal of general internal medicine


Authors: Schwarz EB, Gariepy A, Sonalkar S


Authors: Ashley E. Rosko, Carolyn J. Presley, Grant R. Williams, Rebecca L. Olin