
Department of Medicine faculty members published more than 3,000 peer-reviewed articles in 2022.

JAMA network open


Authors: Santhosh L, Witt L

JAMA internal medicine


Authors: Perumal D, Dudley RA, Gan S, Boscardin WJ, Gill A, Gelb AW, Lee SJ, Chen CL

Academic medicine : journal of the Association of American Medical Colleges


Authors: Chang A, Pierluissi E, Cornes S, Ishizaki A, Teherani A, Davis J, Hauer KE, Lucey CR

JAMA network open


Authors: Marquez C, Kerkhoff AD, Schrom J, Rojas S, Black D, Mitchell A, Wang CY, Pilarowski G, Ribeiro S, Jones D, Payan J, Manganelli S, Rojas S, Lemus J, Jain V, Chamie G, Tulier-Laiwa V, Petersen M, DeRisi J, Havlir DV

Clinical infectious diseases : an official publication of the Infectious Diseases Society of America


Authors: Shitole SG, Lazar JM, Taub CC, Furlani AC, Konkle-Parker DJ, Dionne-Odom J, Fischl MA, Ofotokun I, Adimora AA, Topper EF, Golzar Y, Kassaye SG, Gustafson D, Anastos K, Hanna DB, Xue X, Tien PC, Kaplan RC, Kizer JR

European journal of heart failure


Authors: van Essen BJ, Tromp J, Ter Maaten JM, Greenberg BH, Gimpelewicz C, Felker GM, Davison BA, Severin T, Pang PS, Cotter G, Teerlink JR, Metra M, Voors AA

The journal of allergy and clinical immunology. In practice


Authors: Puck JM

Annals of emergency medicine


Authors: V. Eswaran, M. Olson, J. Lacoe, S. Paolillo, A. Skog, H. Kanzaria, M. Raven



Authors: Erin Libuit, Nathan Alhalel, David Nagle, Connie W. Wang, Priya Kathpalia, Myung S. Ko

Advances in Pulmonary Hypertension


Authors: Nicholas A. Kolaitis, Christopher F. Barnett