
Department of Medicine faculty members published more than 3,000 peer-reviewed articles in 2022.

Gastro Hep Advances


Authors: Basta DW, Vong M, Beshimova A, Nakamura BN, Rusu I, Kattah MG, Shao L

Clinical journal of the American Society of Nephrology : CJASN


Authors: Ku E, Amaral S, McCulloch CE, Adey DB, Li L, Johansen KL

Journal of diabetes science and technology


Authors: Huang J, Yeung AM, Armstrong DG, Battarbee AN, Cuadros J, Espinoza JC, Kleinberg S, Mathioudakis N, Swerdlow MA, Klonoff DC



Authors: Shelton BA, Sawinski D, MacLennan PA, Lee W, Wyatt C, Nadkarni G, Fatima H, Mehta S, Crane HM, Porrett P, Julian B, Moore RD, Christopoulos K, Jacobson JM, Muller E, Eron JJ, Saag M, Peter I, Locke JE

The American journal of cardiology


Authors: de Asmundis C, Pannone L, Lakkireddy D, Beaver TM, Brodt CR, Lee RJ, Sorgente A, Gauthey A, Monaco C, Overeinder I, Bala G, Almorad A, Str?ker E, Sieira J, Brugada P, Chierchia GB, La Meir M, Olshansky B

British journal of haematology


Authors: Sborov DW, Baljevic M, Reeves B, Laubach J, Efebera YA, Rodriguez C, Costa LJ, Chari A, Silbermann R, Holstein SA, Anderson LD, Kaufman JL, Shah N, Pei H, Patel S, Cortoos A, Bartlett JB, Vermeulen J, Lin TS, Voorhees PM, Richardson PG

JCO oncology practice


Authors: Bregio C, Finik J, Baird M, Ortega P, Roter D, Karliner L, Diamond LC



Authors: Slade M, Martin TG, Nathwani N, Fiala MA, Rettig MP, Gao F, Deol A, Buadi FK, Kaufman JL, Hofmeister CC, Gregory TK, Berdeja J, Chari A, Rosko A, Vij R