Alcoholism, clinical and experimental research
Authors: Kim TW, Heeren TC, Samet JH, Bertholet N, Lloyd-Travaglini C, Winter MR, Magane KM, Gnatienko N, Bryant K, Rateau LJ, Muyindike WR, Hahn JA, Blokhina E, Saitz R
Obesity (Silver Spring, Md.)
Authors: Bennett JP, Liu YE, Quon BK, Kelly NN, Leong LT, Wong MC, Kennedy SF, Chow DC, Garber AK, Weiss EJ, Heymsfield SB, Shepherd JA
Journal of addiction medicine
Authors: Martin M, Snyder HR, Otway G, Holpit L, Day LW, Seidman D
Health affairs (Project Hope)
Authors: Kwan A, Garcia-Grossman I, Sears D, Bertozzi SM, Williams BA
Clinical infectious diseases : an official publication of the Infectious Diseases Society of America
Authors: Christopoulos KA, Grochowski J, Mayorga-Munoz F, Hickey MD, Imbert E, Szumowski JD, Dilworth S, Oskarsson J, Shiels M, Havlir D, Gandhi M
American journal of public health
Authors: Caleb Alexander G, Mix LA, Choudhury S, Taketa R, Tomori C, Mooghali M, Fan A, Mars S, Ciccarone D, Patton M, Apollonio DE, Schmidt L, Steinman MA, Greene J, Ling PM, Seymour AK, Glantz S, Tasker K
STAR protocols
Authors: Chambwe N, Sayaman RW, Hu D, Huntsman S, Cancer Genome Analysis Network, Kemal A, Caesar-Johnson S, Zenklusen JC, Ziv E, Beroukhim R, Cherniack AD
Current opinion in pharmacology
Authors: Goglin S, Chung SA
Nature communications
Authors: Prahl M, Golan Y, Cassidy AG, Matsui Y, Li L, Alvarenga B, Chen H, Jigmeddagva U, Lin CY, Gonzalez VJ, Chidboy MA, Warrier L, Buarpung S, Murtha AP, Flaherman VJ, Greene WC, Wu AHB, Lynch KL, Rajan J, Gaw SL
Laryngoscope investigative otolaryngology
Authors: Kim EK, Kidane J, Brodie S, Tuot DS, Sharon JD