
Department of Medicine faculty members published more than 3,000 peer-reviewed articles in 2022.

Pain medicine (Malden, Mass.)


Authors: Carter RH, Criswell LA

Clinical infectious diseases : an official publication of the Infectious Diseases Society of America


Authors: Johnson KA, Sankaran M, Kohn RP, Bacon O, Cohen SE

Heart rhythm


Authors: Caughron H, Bowman H, Raitt MH, Whooley MA, Tarasovsky G, Shen H, Matheny ME, Selzman KA, Wang L, Puigbo J, Odobasic H, Dhruva SS

Cell host & microbe


Authors: Lian X, Seiger KW, Parsons EM, Gao C, Sun W, Gladkov GT, Roseto IC, Einkauf KB, Osborn MR, Chevalier JM, Jiang C, Blackmer J, Carrington M, Rosenberg ES, Lederman MM, McMahon DK, Bosch RJ, Jacobson JM, Gandhi RT, Peluso MJ, Chun TW, Deeks SG, Yu XG, Lichterfeld M

Volume 29 of Issue 3 | Transplantation and cellular therapy


Authors: Shaw BE, Jimenez-Jimenez AM, Burns LJ, Logan BR, Khimani F, Shaffer BC, Shah NN, Mussetter A, Tang XY, McCarty JM, Alavi A, Farhadfar N, Jamieson K, Hardy NM, Choe H, Ambinder RF, Anasetti C, Perales MA, Spellman SR, Howard A, Komanduri KV, Luznik L, Norkin M, Pidala JA, Ratanatharathorn V, Confer DL, Devine SM, Horowitz MM, Bola?os-Meade J

Clinical cancer research : an official journal of the American Association for Cancer Research


Authors: Raghav KPS, Moasser MM

Multiple sclerosis (Houndmills, Basingstoke, England)


Authors: Block VJ, Cheng S, Juwono J, Cuneo R, Kirkish G, Alexander AM, Khan M, Akula A, Caverzasi E, Papinutto N, Stern WA, Pletcher MJ, Marcus GM, Olgin JE, Hauser SL, Gelfand JM, Bove R, Cree BA, Henry RG

Annals of vascular surgery


Authors: Smith EJT, Gasper WJ, Schneider PA, Finlayson E, Walter LC, Covinsky KE, Conte MS, Iannuzzi JC

The Milbank quarterly


Authors: Dhruva SS, Bachhuber MA, Shetty A, Guidry H, Guduguntla V, Redberg RF

Endocrine practice : official journal of the American College of Endocrinology and the American Association of Clinical Endocrinologists


Authors: Kerr D, Klonoff DC, Bergenstal RM, Choudhary P, Ji L