The American journal of gastroenterology
Authors: Leiman DA, Kamal AN, Otaki F, Bredenoord AJ, Dellon ES, Falk GW, Fernandez-Becker NQ, Gonsalves N, Hirano I, Katzka DA, Peterson K, Yadlapati R, Kathpalia P
American journal of preventive cardiology
Authors: Shah H, Garacci E, Behuria S, Cainzos-Achirica M, Kandula NR, Kanaya AM, Shah NS
Journal of the American Society of Echocardiography : official publication of the American Society of Echocardiography
Authors: Yuan N, Kwan AC, Duffy G, Theurer J, Chen JH, Nieman K, Botting P, Dey D, Berman DS, Cheng S, Ouyang D
Contemporary clinical trials
Authors: Blonigen D, Hyde J, McInnes DK, Yoon J, Byrne T, Ngo T, Smelson D
The New England journal of medicine
Authors: Cowan MJ, Yu J, Facchino J, Fraser-Browne C, Sanford U, Kawahara M, Dara J, Long-Boyle J, Oh J, Chan W, Chag S, Broderick L, Chellapandian D, Decaluwe H, Golski C, Hu D, Kuo CY, Miller HK, Petrovic A, Currier R, Hilton JF, Punwani D, Dvorak CC, Malech HL, McIvor RS, Puck JM
NPJ digital medicine
Authors: Duffy G, Clarke SL, Christensen M, He B, Yuan N, Cheng S, Ouyang D
Academic medicine : journal of the Association of American Medical Colleges
Authors: Wang MD, Rosner BI, Rosenbluth G
Clinical infectious diseases : an official publication of the Infectious Diseases Society of America
Authors: Allan-Blitz LT, Gandhi M, Adamson P, Park I, Bolan G, Klausner JD
PloS one
Authors: Beecham AH, Amezcua L, Chinea A, Manrique CP, Gomez L, Martinez A, Beecham GW, Patsopoulos NA, Chitnis T, Weiner HL, De Jager PL, Burchard EG, Lund BT, Fitzgerald KC, Calabresi PA, Delgado SR, Oksenberg JR, McCauley JL
HIV medicine
Authors: Rahman F, Brates I, Aweeka F, Bosch RJ, Deitchman A, Nixon D, Aberg JA