Faculty Profiles

Image of Roy Soetikno

Roy Soetikno

HS Clinical Professor
VA Medicine Home

Image of Ma Somsouk, MD, MAS

Ma Somsouk, MD, MAS

Professor In Residence
Center for Vulnerable Populations, Gastroenterology

Image of Evelyn Song, MD

Evelyn Song, MD

Clinical Fellow
Hospital Medicine, Hospital Medicine UCSF Health

Image of Krishan Soni, MD

Krishan Soni, MD

Associate Professor
Cardiology, Cardiology UCSF Health

Image of Puneet Sood, MD, MPH

Puneet Sood, MD, MPH

KTU Medical Director

Image of Christy Soran, MD, MPH

Christy Soran, MD, MPH

Assistant Clinical Professor
General Internal Medicine, General Internal Medicine ZSFG

Image of Marko Spasic, MD

Marko Spasic, MD

VA Medicine Home, Hospital Medicine, Hospital Medicine VA

Image of Matthew Spinelli, MD, MAS

Matthew Spinelli, MD, MAS

Assistant Adjunct Professor
HIV, Infectious Disease, and Global Medicine

Image of Michael Spinner, MD, BA

Michael Spinner, MD, BA

Clinical Assistant Professor
Medicine Home, Hematology and Oncology UCSF Health

Image of Matt Springer, PhD

Matt Springer, PhD

Cardiology, Cardiology UCSF Health

Image of Archana Sridhar, MD

Archana Sridhar, MD

Associate Professor
VA Medicine Home, General Internal Medicine VA

Image of Gideon St Helen, PhD

Gideon St Helen, PhD

Associate Prof In Residence
Cardiology, Cardiology ZSFG